Recent content by Lallander

  1. Lallander

    Raspberry Pi TO JAMMA Arcade Cabinet Interface

    The Raspberry Pi 5 was just announced. Shipping in October. I wonder if it would be compatible with this. The software will have to be upgraded to take advantage of it of course.
  2. Lallander

    Raspberry Pi TO JAMMA Arcade Cabinet Interface

    Just found this thread and immediately ordered one. Is there a setup guide anywhere or could someone write something up? Sounds like this might be a bit complicated. Planning to use mine in a Sega New Astro City with a two player CP. Edit: Just saw a video of RGB-Pi OS/4 using a light gun. I...
  3. Lallander

    FOUND Sega Astro City

    If I'm understanding that site correctly it looks like the JAMMA Expander doesn't let you use the HDMI out. I was hoping to be able to output to the cabinet and a modern tv at the same time. Guessing that might not be possible with dual RAM.
  4. Lallander

    FOUND Sega Astro City

    Oh that is good to know. Makes me feel a lot better about not having found one yet.
  5. Lallander

    FOUND Sega Astro City

    It took almost a year, but I'm finally getting a Sega New Astro City from GndZero Games. No closer to getting a MiSTercade for it though sadly.
  6. Lallander

    FS MISTERCADE ----SOLD!!!-----

    If I weren't getting a Sega New Astro City this month I'd jump on that. I've been on the waiting list for a MiSTercade for about a year now. Good luck finding it a good home.
  7. Lallander

    SOLD Blast City, KI1, Neo-geo and more

    Of course a Blast City this close would show up the same month I had to spend $2,500 on car repairs.
  8. Lallander

    WTB Small Candy Cab

    If you find a source please let us know. There are a number of really cute mods I've seen done to those. Including a really slick MVS setup.
  9. Lallander

    WTB Small Candy Cab

    It would be easy to hide though.
  10. Lallander

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    I'd already heard about possible SDRAM expansion plans. As for network share does the MiSTercade have wifi or is it easy to add?
  11. Lallander

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    With the increased rom size for cd based games is there any plan to add an SSD to the next version?
  12. Lallander

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    That looks fun. That's a PS1 lightgun? Is it only compatible with the PS1 core or does it work with others? A more general question. With the PS1 core, Sega Saturn, Sega CD, and similar cores is there any way to add an SSD to a MiSTercade? I thought I saw something about connecting to a...
  13. Lallander

    WTB Looking to buy a CRT EMUDRIVER/Groovymame PC setup

    I was under the impression that you couldn't connect a PC to an Astro City. I thought it needed a high definition CRT to be able to do so.
  14. Lallander

    MiSTerAddons MiSTercade - MiSTer for JAMMA cabinets

    The PSX core is mostly done and the Sega Saturn core is right around the corner. I think I saw that those require more ram than is generally available. Anyone know if there are larger ram modules available or if the next MiSTercade revision will be able to accept multiple? No clue how all that...