Recent content by MOLINASON

  1. M

    WTB In Search of a Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

    Good again Guys!!!! I don't get discouraged and I'm still looking for an original Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, since the one I had agreed to buy seems to have vanished... Anyone who wants to sell theirs just has to contact me. Thank you all!!!!
  2. M

    FS Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Captain Commando

    PM sent for Cadillacs and Dinosaurs PCB. Thanks!
  3. M

    Hello everyone!!!

    I love the Atari arcades of the 80's and everything from Konami and Capcom Cps1 of the 90's ..... it's going back to my childhood and adolescence .....
  4. M

    Hello everyone!!!

    Hello!! I found this site on the web and I couldn't avoid registering, since I am a big fan of arcade games and I didn't know about this page. I hope to learn a lot from this forum and enjoy it!!!