Recent content by raul7

  1. R

    Hello everyone !

  2. R

    64 & 128Mb CPS3 Repro SIMMS!!

    I'm interested. Any updates?
  3. R

    Street fighter 3 3rd strike on the fritz!!!!

    yeah. It's no good. The screen comes up and it looks like some one threw up all over the screen.
  4. R

    Street fighter 3 3rd strike on the fritz!!!!

    well it didn't take long for my arcade to go. Everything was running fine until a few days ago. When I power the arcade the screen stays blank. The cd rom continues to run and the marquee lights up. I insert a coin and no sound comes out. Is my cart gone or could it be something else. Any help...
  5. R

    Hello. New member

    Hello from beautiful houston texas. 36y male and a video game fan. Currently acquired a street fighter 3 3rd strike and loving life. Until it craps out I guess. Have two beautiful little girls and a loving wife who let's me buy random crap to have around the house. :)