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  1. Megalocade

    My build of Capcom BigBlue

    I have an on off switch located at the top of the cab that I can access with ease, regards the cp access the whole control panel lifts up to gain entry to the buttons and q sound amp with has it's own volume controls also the whole control panel and box can be taken away to gain access to the...
  2. Megalocade

    My build of Capcom BigBlue

    Its a strip of angled aluminium edging I sprayed black, I skimmed it so it was the same angle where it meets the glass so no untidy gaps, it keeps the glass in and screwed to the speaker box and because of this the glass lifts upwards if I ever need to clean the crt screen and inner glass.
  3. Megalocade

    Cooling fans for CPS1

    I've spent ages wondering why the CPS1 has a high failure rate of it's custom chips compared to the cps2 boards, I monitored my SF2 hyper fighting board the board does get quite warm after prolonged use especially around the Ao1 and CPU, I compared that to the fan cooled cps2 and the customs and...
  4. Megalocade

    Street Fighter II CE crashing/missing COM sprites + What is this modification to a 90631C-5 board?

    Is that a suicide battery on there? If it is then it's a c board from another board the original sf2s didn't have batteries on, I had something similar on a sf2ce board, once I got to a match I was missing the players then board would reboot, turned out to be problem with the C board one of the...
  5. Megalocade

    CPS-A-01 Custom

    I'm always worried about cps1 and if it fails I have 3 I bought many years ago all street fighters, I have heat sincs on all the customs including one on the c board my champion edition sits in my cab with 2 80mm high air flow fans behind it blowing cool air through all 3 layers it doesn't even...
  6. Megalocade

    Safe voltages for Cps2

    Yea funny you should mention about out strain on components, I've been having issues with the A board not remembering the vol settings so when you turned the cab off after about 30 mins it would default back to very 0 volume, someone suggested replacing the super cap, but since I bumped my...
  7. Megalocade

    Safe voltages for Cps2

    Just wondering what is the safe voltage for a cps2, reason I ask, I'm trying to find a happy medium between the 5v and 12v rails, at the edge connector with the board on I get 4.72v on the 5v and 12.49v on the 12v ideally would like to go higher on the 5v but I only have 1 pot which adjusts all...
  8. Megalocade

    CPS2 A-Board Volume

    I got this memory issue cropped up in the last couple days in my big blue cab I've just ordered a new super cap, while powered on it's receiving voltage but when the cab is off the voltage is dropping away quite quickly on the cab the sound goes back to 0 after about 1 hour of the cab being off...
  9. Megalocade

    How old is your CPS2 battery?

    Yup this is some of the ones I saved, I used to chuck the old ones away but I bag them up like a sad git and keep them now this is the Toshiba battery I was on about, interestingly you can still buy these tosh ones new, even Maxell ones on axel leads. I've noticed these tosh batteries seem to...
  10. Megalocade

    How old is your CPS2 battery?

    Old post I know, but I've bought 6 cps2 boards so far this year, all 6 had the original batteries in 4 Maxell and I have 2 with silver Toshiba batteries that are from 96 / 97, USA Xmen Vs street fighter and Brazil Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha I think capcom also used Tosh batteries as I've had a...
  11. Megalocade

    Cps2 conversion problem.

    Ok finally found the problem wrong pal even though is says BGSB3, I thought ok I'll burn another of those encase it was messed up but still the same problem this threw me as SSF2 calls for a BGSB3 pal. I decided to burn a BGSB3B pal as that's what's in my SSF2X and result! The jail bars gone...
  12. Megalocade

    Cps2 conversion problem.

    Hi folks I've just got hold of a genuine set of super street fighter 2 new challengers rom set, includes mask roms, pal and daughter board and I want to put this on an a spare doner board which was Xmen Vs street fighter rev 7 board, all the roms are in and I set the jumpers taken from a list...
  13. Megalocade

    Possible to Convert SF Zero 2(JP) to SF Alpha 2(US) ?

    Just shows how long I've been out the field I didn't even realise there was SSF2X / Turbo Tournament Battle version thought the original new challengers only had a tournament battle mode or is this a Rom hack?
  14. Megalocade

    Hyper Street Fighter 2 -JP- CPS2 fake or real?

    Yea this is what I do, you do get the the odd bargain on eBay with both A and B together for a good price, most of mine of late seem to be coming from Brazil and Mexico some really cheap boards and in very good condition too. Japan seems to be the place to buy boards they know how to pack them...
  15. Megalocade

    Hyper Street Fighter 2 -JP- CPS2 fake or real?

    Yea most of the HSF2 boards you see on eBay are going to be conversions it doesn't matter as they run just like a genuine one does, a genuine one will fetch a serious money and they are rare as rocking horse poop, what boils my 🤬 is sellers who charge mega money for conversations of HSF2 or...
  16. Megalocade


    Looks very similar to what I had on my Xmen cota when I first bought it, I bought with this problem, tried cleaning the contacts but nothing, took the b board apart and found one of pcb support feet near the connector was broken and missing this seem to be quite common on these boards I've found...
  17. Megalocade

    Possible to Convert SF Zero 2(JP) to SF Alpha 2(US) ?

    Yes it does I installed a battery and used Arduino to load in the keys, I kept the original eproms as is as I don't want to ruin the stickers on them, If I come to sell the board I will just pop those back in. What test did you have in mind?
  18. Megalocade

    CPS2 Fan Replacement

    I use a Papst 612F fan on all my Cps2s they fit spot on and are the same measurements as the original plus very quiet I can hardly hear it in the Big Blue they push out a fair amount of air too, all I did was change over the connection to one that's fits the A board and job done.
  19. Megalocade

    Possible to Convert SF Zero 2(JP) to SF Alpha 2(US) ?

    Funnily enough I'm doing this right now I've managed to get a full SSF2 Tournament Edition ROM set plus Tournament extension and daughter boards off eBay which I'm converting a normal SSF2 Board to SSF2 Tournament Battle, they were the world version and wanted to change it to Japan region to...
  20. Megalocade

    CPS2 Battery Change Day

    Did you swap them out for new batteries or running infinity keys etc I decided to swap out all the batteries on my boards to 12F675 chips, started programming some, I've made them so I can just plug them into the CN connector using a socket and Dupont cables luckily all my boards have that CN...