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  1. Ace`

    Cooling fans for CPS1

    Sounds like you're refering to one of my old blogspot posts? no one has ever or will ever sand an A01 chip to apply a heatsink directly to the die lol. I sanded a known dead one once to see the size of the die and what size heatsink I could get away with. I had some negative commends that it...
  2. Ace`

    FS Pcbs - R-Type, Captain Commando, Final Fight and Willow CPS1

    Fully working original Japanese R-Type 1 pcb. It has had a few chips replaced but cleanly done with no damage, the only damage was a small scrape on the bottom board that I have covered with some solder mask to protect it. The board is slightly warped as is common with these as the odd shape and...
  3. Ace`

    My CPS1 conversions info

    This does technically work in converting Area 88 Resale to UN Squandron but it causes graphics corruption and crashing. I am guessing this is because it is now looking for a B11 c board? it has the same result in mame although not quite as bad and doesn't crash.
  4. Ace`

    SUN PSU fails (?) 400-5397-01with Naomi 2 GD setup

    It needs to be fully recapped, there's a thread here with all the info you need. I've recapped a few and there were leaky / bad caps in all of them, don't put it off as it could easily damage your hardware. The large filter cap is probably fine but replace all the other electrolytic caps with...
  5. Ace`

    Got a transfer card for naomi cart 8132b.

    Between 10-15% and then another 3% from paypal.
  6. Ace`

    Got a transfer card for naomi cart 8132b.

    There was a rom made with working checksums and test menu but the gatekeepers aren't releasing it. There's even a guide on here how to do the conversion yourself, don't ask me why they made a guide if they don't want the rom out there. :hilarious:
  7. Ace`

    Naomi X76F100 repair attempt, help required.

    I assume you mean me, you're better off finding someone with an eetools programmer that can program one as even if you do get a cartridge with the correct chip it's most likely dead and the reason the cartridge doesn't work. That being said 171-7919A, 171-8132B and 841-0017C cartridges seem to...
  8. Ace`

    Naomi X76F100 repair attempt, help required.

    I don't have a programmer that will read or burn X76F100 chips unfortunately but there is a dump in mame that *should* work. New X76F100 chips can be found on aliexpress but not much use unless you have a programmer that supports them or know someone that does.
  9. Ace`

    Can anyone program a Xicor X76F041?

    I was trying to program a x76f100 recently which looks to be similar, outside of the eetools made programmers there doesn't look to be many that support them. Elnec would only add support if I bought their $1k adapter. They're a joke of a company these days, shame as their older programmers are...
  10. Ace`

    [Repair Log] Sega NetDIMM

    Which capacitors? electrolytics?
  11. Ace`

    Naomi X76F100 repair attempt, help required.

    For anyone that stumbles across this post looking for the same fix, I wasn't able to program the blanks I bought unfortunately (for now at least) but I found an old post by MetalliC that suggested taking the chip from a donor cartridge. I had one in the junk pile and can confirm this does work...
  12. Ace`

    Naomi X76F100 repair attempt, help required.

    I've got a early Naomi motherboard that is working apart from error 03 caused by a bad X76F100, usually I'd take one from a scrap board but the only scrap boards I have use the newer 93C46 eeprom. I ordered some X76F100 chips from China thinking I could just program the data from mame on one and...
  13. Ace`

    Hyper Street Fighter 2 -JP- CPS2 fake or real?

    Conversion yes, the graphics roms should be maskroms not eproms.
  14. Ace`

    CPS2 repair expert opinion needed

    Far from an expert but I have done a couple of cps2 repairs over the years, I think the test rom is running / working you just cannot see it as you have an issue with your text / background layers. If it were me I'd remove the simms pcb and convert it to another game to rule out that pcb, if...
  15. Ace`

    Error 1 when booting dimm cf

    I am going from memory but I think error 1 is a region issue with the game.
  16. Ace`

    Strange Naomi video problem

    Finally figured this out after tracing out both sync lines I eventually came to two tiny 68ohm resistors on the bottom of the board one for each sync, one was fine but the other read 2.6k ohms. I took a replacement from a junk board and it is now 100%. Looks like when the diode shorted it cooked...
  17. Ace`

    Strange Naomi video problem

    I've made some progress, the vsync pulse is there but it's not right after comparing it to a working board on the oscope. I got a very poor image when wiring it up to a 15khz arcade monitor which of course doesn't sync but at least I can see it's working and passes all ram tests so just this one...
  18. Ace`

    Strange Naomi video problem

    I've got a Naomi 1 motherboard on the bench that runs as I have audio but doesn't output video, I've tried swapping the 315-6145 dac with a few from junk boards thinking that would be it, as it seems to be a fairly common failure. After that didn't work I did some tracing and found some shorted...
  19. Ace`

    SOLD NAOMI DIMM 4.01 CF (trade ok)

    No it won't, go try it yourself before spreading misinformation.