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  1. tronbaby

    Street Fighter 5 Type Arcade stuck on 720p

    Yes, I grabbed one online. Vewlix F and Vewlix DB are full HD (1080p) and I've played SF5 in the arcades and it definitely does 1080p, just can't seem to get mine to do that
  2. tronbaby

    Street Fighter 5 Type Arcade stuck on 720p

    Does anyone know what the TTX4 dip switches do? I can’t find much information about it online.
  3. tronbaby

    Street Fighter 5 Type Arcade stuck on 720p

    I’ve got a SF5 Type Arcade running on TTX4 hardware, but it will only run at 720p. I’ve tried the dip switches but nothing I do makes a difference. Does anybody know how to force it to play at 1080p? Thanks
  4. tronbaby

    Namco system 357 emulation? Maybe? PROJECT OMED 2023

    It’s amazing work, thanks Franco and team. I’m very excited to be playing these at some point and I’m very grateful for all the hard work that’s gone into to.
  5. tronbaby

    Namco system 357 emulation? Maybe? PROJECT OMED 2023

    Amazing work. Thanks guys
  6. tronbaby

    SFV not full 1080p on Taito Type X4

    It’s actually original hardware, modified to work offline
  7. tronbaby

    SFV not full 1080p on Taito Type X4

    Yes, it’s a boot :) I’ll try that and see how it goes. Thanks for the help everyone
  8. tronbaby

    SFV not full 1080p on Taito Type X4

    Thanks. Yes, that works on a PC with Windows, but will that work on original hardware? How do I change the bootup location as it's 'shelled', there's no Windows etc
  9. tronbaby

    SFV not full 1080p on Taito Type X4

    Hi all, I have SFV Arcade running on TTX4 hardware on a Vewlix DB, but it appears slightly pixelated in places. It is noticable when compared to the PC version running on the same 1080p Vewlix screen. My assumption is that it is running at 720p and being scaled up, which is pixelating...
  10. tronbaby

    Using a real NesicaXLive on a Taito X2

    OK, no problem, I'll not ask anymore. I thought nxl1 might be fair game as it's so old and the free multi has been doing the rounds for a long time
  11. tronbaby

    Using a real NesicaXLive on a Taito X2

    Thanks rewrite, yes, I'd assumed it would be hacked to work outside of Japan without a Nesicax account. It's good to know, I'll give it up. I just really wanted to the full menu experience before playing the games. Thanks again.
  12. tronbaby

    Using a real NesicaXLive on a Taito X2

    OK thanks. I have heard of people having the nxl2 service working outside of Japan without an account, so I'd have thought nxl1 would have been done?
  13. tronbaby

    Using a real NesicaXLive on a Taito X2

    Hi everyone, Sorry if this has been answered before, but does anyone know if you can get a real NesicaXLive system (menu and games) working on a Taito X2, or will it not work because of the network? I have the brilliant Nico multi, but I like the thought of the full working menu. There's...
  14. tronbaby

    CPS3 - Dead Cart

    Thanks guys, yes I have a multi version already, but I was trying to grow a collection of the originals too, as there's only 6 of them. Glad I didn't but it now.
  15. tronbaby

    CPS3 - Dead Cart

    I’m going to buy a CPS3 cart of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure but the cart battery is dead. Does anyone know if they can be resurrected? thanks
  16. tronbaby

    WTB CPS3 Motherboard USA

    Its crazy lately, CPS3 boards have started going for ridiculous sums of money. A couple of years ago a full board with a game was about £350, they have gotten close to double that now for what I've seen in some instances.
  17. tronbaby

    WTB CPS3 Motherboard USA

    Without stating the obvious, someone just posted one a few hours ago - but it is in France, not the US. I'm sure shipping can't be too much
  18. tronbaby

    FOUND Looking for Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Cartridge (NAOMI 2)

    Where did you find them in the end? I'm on the lookout too
  19. tronbaby

    SOLD capcom cps3 jojo full set non working

    Thanks for the info. If you can, I'd really suggest trying to borrow a working cart/CD to test it, otherwise, $430 is a lot for someone to spend on a gamble. Just some friendly advice to help you sell it.
  20. tronbaby

    FS CPS3s with full simms, games cds/carts, arts, etc....

    @Derick2k Great, let me know. Thanks.