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    Converting 315-5119 PLD Dump to GAL for Sega Hang-On PCB Repair

    Hi everyone, I'm in the process of repairing a Sega Hang-On PCB and I've run into an issue with a bad 315-5119 PLD on the bottom controller/video board. The PLD archive has a dump of the 315-5119, but it's only available in CK2065 and PLS153 formats...
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    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 11/13 : WAITLIST

    Please put me down for an MVS cart with Xenocrisis no donor. Thanks!
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    System 16B Conversion Help

    I followed this guide by keropi to attempt a conversion of a System 16B 171-5704 ROM board that was formally Flashpoint to Shinobi (set 6, System 16B - unprotected). I first removed the FD1094...
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    Konami Simpsons - "The Simp"

    So if you have 5.15v at the JAMMA edge, what are you measuring on say a TTL IC somewhere on the board? My guess, is somewhere right around 5.00v with voltage drop.
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    Irem M92 Multi Game Support

    Another awesome project! I'd be interested in either option if you could put me down on the list, please. I have a M92-A-B CPU board and a M92-B-F ROM board. Hopefully they'll be compatible.
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    Interest Check: Group Buy for CPS-B chips

    I'd be interested in a couple.
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    Ikari Warriors LS-30 Alternative?

    CoinOp Warehouse mentioned them in a live stream a year or two ago when they were selling a rotary game cab. When I looked into it back then, they appeared to be still available (and I don't think they were cheap either) but perhaps they're no longer available now... Emailing Samducksa / Crown...
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    Ikari Warriors LS-30 Alternative?

    If you're not concerned about them not looking like LS-30's, Samducksa still sell rotary joysticks. View:
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    Interest evaluation: cps1 mult crystal and/or audio merge kit

    I'm interested in both items, please.
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    Super Monaco GP Airdrive

    If you're in the UK, this looks to be a good match in the black.
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    FIXED Moonwalker Conversion - No Dance Issue

    Good to hear! What was the fix for the issue?
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    Blast City MS2931 OSD menu question

    If it's an original monitor for the Blast, then it could be the MS-2930 chassis which has a traditional remote board with knobs on it, but definitely no OSD.
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    Blast City MS2931 OSD menu question

    MS-2931 remote board has no knobs, just three buttons. Might you have the wrong remote board for the chassis?
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    Super Monaco GP Airdrive

    Well done! Was it just a broken trace?
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    Super Monaco GP Airdrive

    I would suspect IC163 (ULN 2003) as being partially faulty. There's not much between pin 10 of IC163 and pin 17 of connector C except for a resistor array and some filter capacitors. It's possible that part of the resistor array may have failed or one of the filter capacitors has died, but...
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    CPS1 board with missing caps in audio circuit

    I transplanted caps from a donor board and in the process measured the C22 SMD cap (95nF). It's probably just doing some filtering and not strictly required. Hope this might be useful for someone one day.
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    CPS1 board with missing caps in audio circuit

    Hmmm. I think the pot may have been replaced and the audio circuit recapped, but apart from that, I think it's all original. Original audio amp IC, original 2151, DAC, OKI etc...
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    CPS1 board with missing caps in audio circuit

    Hi guys. I have a CPS1 89626A-3 (DASH?) board that is missing a few caps in the audio section. The first missing cap is an SMD at "C22" that looks like it might have vaporised. The second missing cap at "CC20" I believe is a 10µF 35V tantalum (perhaps it was never populated on this board...
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    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    Apologies for the noob question, but is someone able to tell me what the differences are between the audio daughter boards that use an original Q-Sound chip or the FPGA chip option, please? My Google-Fu has failed me.
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    APOCALYPSE Sega System 18 Official Sales and Wait List

    @Mitsurugi-w would you kindly put me down for one of these System 18 multi's, please? Thanks.