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  1. JacKc

    IGS PGM Cart PCB Scans (And Projects)

    I'm interested about the full 300dpi scans because the GFX ROMs from your cart have different labels ROMs regular oriental Legend version. It probably needs to be dumped...
  2. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    Thanks MettalliC for the info. Honnestly i'm fully satisfied to have access to "original" 2004 Samurai Showdon V Special location test datas (i don't think original ROM was decrypted. probably made for Samurai Shodown Neo Geo Collection). But i want to thanks all people who spent time working...
  3. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    I noticed the same thing using FBNeo with second P1 crc 70DE1BF5... And no, i don't think it is normal. Something has been broken in the second patch code to translate story sequences into English and to make them only available on others regions than Japan.
  4. JacKc

    KoV bootlegs

    According to SumavisionQ5 : 1.乱世风云传, Luan Shi Feng Yun Zhuan 2.乱世枭雄传, Luan Shi Xiao Xiong Zhuan 3.三国英雄传, SanGuo QunYingZhuan (kovsgqyz in FBN) 4.乱世风云传, Luan Shi Xiao Xiong Zhuan So No.2 and No.4 are the same game. 5.乱世三国传, Luan Shi San Guo Zhuan So by their names, all except N°3 are Quan...
  5. JacKc

    Hello for Huntsville Alabama

    I'm new here too but welcome !!!
  6. JacKc

    KoV bootlegs

    @sheep_nova : thanks for the photos. Never seen those kov booltegs except for the one with the green label. Need to ask some friendly Chinese for a translation...
  7. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    samsh5fe unmodified datas other than to make them standard roms 272-p1.bin 9e72cc83 272-p2.bin 1f5469bc 272-s1.bin c297f973 272-c1d.bin ec9fda8d 272-c2d.bin d2fc888d 272-c3d.bin b0ea781b 272-c4d.bin d34ac591 272-c5d.bin 1b5c1ea2 272-c6d.bin...
  8. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    Agreed. Also if you split this p1 8MB into 4MB p1 and p2, you will notice the p2 is the same as samsh5sp in MAME. 272-P1 CRC32 9E72CC83 size 4MB 272-P2 CRC32 1F5469BC size 4MB Search for differences 1. L:\273-p1.p1.001: 4 194 304 bytes 2. L:\ssvpe-p1.p1: 4 194 304 bytes Offsets: Offset ~...
  9. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    Running on FBNeo using the ROM available on
  10. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    When i said until we have a ROM for checking, i mean the original ROM by SNK/Playmore which was used in this compilation compare to datas which was extracted.
  11. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    Actually we don't know if extracted decrypted Cx ROMs contains all updated datas for samsho5pfe. Until we have a ROM for checking, we can't tell.
  12. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    Check your PM
  13. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    Which C rom decrypted limitation? If it uses decrypted Cx ROMs like samsh5spd, i don't think it will be a problem... ROM_REGION( 0x4000000, "sprites", 0 ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "272d.c1", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(8548097e) SHA1(99177F64039D2914FA4EBD4AFC7EB0FBF4FFE0AF) ) ROM_LOAD16_BYTE(...
  14. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    If samsho5pfe had been released in MVS /AES, it would have had encrypted Cx, Vx and M1 without S1 (like samsho5sp). For now the data are decrypted (just easier. Not to have to include the code for decrypting the roms, and also the extra load time to decryp ). This could be done later... For...
  15. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    Not agree with you. We could easily make a driver to run samsho5pfe even if it is using decrypted Cx ROMs, M1 decrypted ROM, Vx decrypted ROM and S1 ROM. (of course if we have the rom for testing purpose). See Samurai Shodown V ◦ サムライスピリッツ零 (hack of XBOX version) [samsho5x] This set is using...
  16. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    Nice!! Curious to know which emulator (or different software) we are using to play it :)
  17. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    So they have made a patch as suspected (ugly patch on a side note). Original ROM is only JAPAN. Too sad they have removed YUKI Copyright and made this ugly logo for others regions than JAPAN...
  18. JacKc

    Samurai Shodown V Perfect on real hardware?

    As far as i know title screen will change depending which Neo-Geo Bios you are using. So normally you don't have to patch the Cx ROMs and S1 ROM but only choose Neo-Geo MVS Bios (Asia/Europe, USA or Japan) or Neo-Geo AES Bios (Japan or Asia) in Dipswitches. // Rom information static struct...
  19. JacKc

    KoV bootlegs

    @GC8TECH I think you're talking about those kov bootleg hacks with KOF characters. They are already in the list as Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang / Sangoku Senki: Luan Shi Quan Huang (kovlsqh) and Knights of Valour: Luan Shi Quan Huang / Sangoku Senki: Luan Shi Quan Huang II...