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  1. notsonic

    Cleaning inside a vewlix monitor?

    You could probably get by with just electrical tape, or the extra wide heavy duty stuff marketed as corrosion tape. The proper tape is probably acetate cloth tape assuming it has a fabric quality to it. Cleaning the glass will only help so much if your backlight is burned/uneven and it might...
  2. notsonic

    MiSTercade V2

    My MS8 does that with real CPS3 hardware. I found a post that suggested adding resistors inline with rgb and sync to attenuate the signal. I did that and it helped, but I also ended up swapping it to an MS9. The MS8 is really bad for changing between games. No contrast adjust, pincushion is on...
  3. notsonic

    (New) Astro City Cashbox Shelf

    I redrew OP's file and ordered it from sendcutsend. If it comes out good, I'll post it here.
  4. notsonic

    FS New Net City SEGA cab frame

    Would you be willing to sell just the side legs? I can't imagine shipping internationally would make much sense though.
  5. notsonic

    (New) Astro City Cashbox Shelf

    I tried to use the illustrator file with send cut send and it's not compatible. I'm not really familiar with using illustrator files for this kind of thing though. I ended up just cutting one by hand.
  6. notsonic

    FS 25", 26", 27/29" Monitors for sale

    I had a less than stellar experience buying two CRTs back in november. The condition of both were misrepresented and one was also damaged in shipping. I highly encourage anyone to purchase these (or any CRTs) in person only.
  7. notsonic

    NVS-4000 / NVS-4000-01 Mount for Astro/New Astro

    The rear mount wedges under a tab/bracket like the original PSU.
  8. notsonic

    Sega Naomi / JVS Mahjong Harness Info

    For a Blast City you still need to use the L90-04932A adapter harness with the JVS IO. I don't know what uses the Mahjong panels without an adapter to be honest.
  9. notsonic

    Sega Net City vs link board (838-13816-91) info

    I ran the version of CvS2 in one of the netboot roll up packs linked for a few hours with no issues.
  10. notsonic

    Naomi has me lost

    There is at least one open source IO:
  11. notsonic

    Naomi has me lost

    If you want to put it in the CPS 2 cabinet, just get the Capcom I/O. That's all you need.
  12. notsonic

    FS Taito Group Purchase Thread - Round 1 (Egret 2 OEM Stickers/Decals)

    I cant put mine on until I find a cabinet to put them on 😂
  13. notsonic

    Positive feedback for Advans14

    I just got a bunch of stools from advans14. Everything was packed well and arrived on time. Thanks!
  14. notsonic

    Cave CV1000-D bootlegs a hoy

    so where are we buying these? it seems like the w45050 guy on ebay doesn't have any listed right now.
  15. notsonic

    Sega Naomi Error 22

    Also be sure to check your voltages. If you have a battery in your dimm, try removing it. A low/dead battery will cause a voltage drop during boot. Does this motherboard work with other games or dimms? Does this dimm work in another motherboard?
  16. notsonic

    Building a wall mount for control panels

    I ended up using a ton of 3d printed brackets. I'm happy with them but this looks much simpler. Nice job! Sounds expensive 😂
  17. notsonic

    WTB Taito X4 multi

    USB I/O uses a different harness (G1) than JVS and Fast (G). That said you have a lot of options beyond trying to track down a G harness. For example, you could ignore all the stock wiring and use Brook boards or similar (and gain pc/console compatibility). Just get their harnesses cheap and...
  18. notsonic

    Namco JVS I/O pcbs documentation list

    Every noir cabinet has one or the other already. It would only have any value to someone with two or more cabinets that happens to have one missing or damaged. ~$40.
  19. notsonic

    Astro Panel Dimensions

    There's CAD drawings here: I had the Sega one laser cut and it is accurate.
  20. notsonic

    Is there a way to get a Netboot UI in Windows?

    he's using steam on his pc as a launcher to run transfergame or, not actually running the games on his pc nor controlling his pc with the cabinet.