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  1. Mageta the Lion

    sheep_nova feedback

    Positive feedback for Sheep_Nova from me (MVS Carts and PGM2 stuff)
  2. Mageta the Lion

    Recalbox RGB JAMMA: new JAMMA adapter for Raspberry Pi 4/3/400!

    Do you really want a newer release of MAME on a Singleboard Computer? Wasn't the reason for Final Burn Alpha/NEO that MAME openly is "Accuracy über alles" and gladly takes a hit on performance with a new release? (If that knowledge is outdated please correct me)
  3. Mageta the Lion

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    That would be nice but i fear that the named ones plus the other must haves like the later Metal Slugs would eat up the available space rather fast. In all honesty I'm really hoping the Chinese just start manufacturing the true "All in one Card" and all the "struggle" right now will be...
  4. Mageta the Lion

    Reverse engineering 161 in 1 cartridge to change Rom games

    Aren't games like Matrimeele, Samsho V and MOTW individually way bigger than all Horsie Games combined?
  5. Mageta the Lion

    FS New Jamma pcbs

    Thanks for the Pictures. That's Snow Board Championship: (Best Surfers is just the Highscore screen) View:
  6. Mageta the Lion

    FS New Jamma pcbs

    I cant find this game, do you maybe mean Surf Planet? If so does it include the Jamma Filterboard?
  7. Mageta the Lion

    Killer Instinct 2 Pcb Black Screen

    Did the game ever run with your setup? Do you have another SuperGun/MAK than the ArcadeForge one you could try? I have a "Mace the Dark Age" pcb (like KI a Midway/Atari board) which doesn't run with the Arcade forge SuperGun/MAK but works on a different setup (missing -5v maybe)
  8. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Btw. bist du sicher das du das Pinout für den Stecker hast und nicht das für die Buchse?
  9. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Wenn ich das richtig sehe sollte das korrekt sein, das schwarze Kabel an den Buttons geht von einem Button zum nächsten und dann am ende als Graues an die PCB. Ergo sollte das Masse sein und dann muss es sowohl bei schwarz als auch grau klingeln. (Sonnst würde entweder die Buttons oder der Stick...
  10. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    1. Vergewissere dich das du korrekt entsprechend dem pinout gelötet hast. 2. Klingel mal von der Pcb zum Stecker durch. 3. Klingel durch von Masse/schwarz zum Button (wie beim stick, dran halten und drücken -> sollte klingeln)
  11. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Aber mit den anderen Sticks funktioniert es?
  12. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Nein am NeoGeo Stecker Lötest du nur Masse und Start, laut deinem Pinout 1 und 11
  13. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Again i would try to just Connect the start button (Start Button + Ground/Masse) to check if i have basic functionality.
  14. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    They cut the traces to make the pcb non functional. I assume you soldered the outgoing Cable to the back of the connector?
  15. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Are you connecting the buttons directly to the NeoGeo plug or are you wiring to the pcb?
  16. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Just connect Ground/Masse and Start and check if you can get just the start button working (Obviously coin with the SuperGun/MAK)
  17. Mageta the Lion

    FS Dark Seal (Data East) & Pi2Jamma ("Premium Version") for Trade

    "I am… disappointed that nobody else wants to make the same mistake i did and get a Dark Seal Board"
  18. Mageta the Lion

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Put one on black (most likely ground) and the other on any color, move the lever to one direction after the other, when it beeps you now which direction that color is