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  1. D

    Hello, from France !

    Scorpion Engine, Yes, neogeo is starting to be implemented on it. but I'd also like to flash on MVS cartridge... several challenges at the same time.
  2. D

    Hello, from France !

    thanks, I hope to show something on Neogeo soon...
  3. D

    Hello, from France !

    Merci à vous, voilà qq realisations achevées ou en WIP ...
  4. D

    Hello, from France !

    Hello, I'm Domkid from France my 1st experience with arcade games was when I was young in a bar where we used to go all the time to play Space Invader and Asteroid, it's been a long time, I'm 64 today and still passionate, I've accumulated a lot of old consoles, including a Neogeo AES with the...
  5. D

    Interest Check - NEW MVS MULTI BATCH!!

    Hello, @Darksoft Can you add me to the waitlist as well? Thanks