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  • Users: dmg01
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  1. dmg01

    FS R-type Leo conversion pcb *SOLD*

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  2. dmg01

    WTB G-Net Labels

    Hey guys, Looking to see if anyone has a set of printed G-Net labels for sale before I have some printed. Thanks!
  3. dmg01

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Final update on this. I tried about 6 different SD cards I had (Sandisk, Samsung, Kingston), ranging from 8GB to 32GB, still same behavior (in game resets, boot looping, behavior worse closer to 5.0v I went, etc). I decided to open the cart and check the SD card pins, but they were fine...
  4. dmg01

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Just wanted to provide an update on this, did a visual inspection, recap, re-flowed all connector pins for MV1FS, MVH and cartridge, no change in behavior with the MultiMVS cart. I will try to source another board like a MV1C to see if this resolves my issues.
  5. dmg01

    FOUND Taito G-Net

    Hello, Looking for a G-Net, modded bios is preferable but not mandatory. Thanks!
  6. dmg01

    FOUND Astro City - Top Monitor Bracket - CQN-1202X

    Hello, I need a replacement top monitor bracket for my Astro City, part # CQN-1202X. Current bracket had the monitor bolt weld fail on me, damaging the bolt. Would rather buy a new bracket If one is available vs attempt to repair my existing bracket. Thanks!
  7. dmg01

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Understand, I appreciate the assistance thus far. I got the board ~12 or so years ago with the battery already removed. I installed the CR2032 battery + holder about a week ago in prep for the cart since I saw a functional battery was required and I already had some CR2032 battery holders on...
  8. dmg01

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    I am using the stock BIOS currently, I initially started with UniBIOS but switched it early on to simplify troubleshooting
  9. dmg01

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    I am using a Mean Well RT-125A with the PSU cover jcmorrisii sells to power the HAS/Mobo:
  10. dmg01

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Sure, if you need me to take more let me know, thanks
  11. dmg01

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    Hello, I received my cart in the mail yesterday and have experienced some strange behavior similar to that seen with the original run of the MultiMVS carts and the MV1FS. Tested using: MV1FS (my only board) CR2032 mod with new battery Original US BIOS and UNIBIOS 4.0 HAS V5.0 RT-125A PSU 32 GB...
  12. dmg01

    SOLD Data East Heavy Smash

    Oof missed out on that Xexex, enjoy it whoever got it! Great deal
  13. dmg01

    Chassis options for a Nanao 2932?

    Thanks for the input everyone, I will likely keep it as-is and make it my dedicated Naomi cab, was just curious what my options were if I wanted to do something other than 31khz without yoke swapping. May give the 2933 a whirl and see how that goes in the future. Much appreciated.
  14. dmg01

    Chassis options for a Nanao 2932?

    Hello, I recently picked up a 31khz only 2932 (A68KJU96X tube) to replace one of my burned Astro monitors, and was curious what chassis options (if any) I have to make this a Tri-Sync OR standard 15khz/24khz without having to resort to yoke swapping. It looks like the MS8/MS9s are incompatible...
  15. dmg01

    Positive feedback for djsheep

    Positive feedback for @djsheep , purchased 2x Ultra BIOS labels. Both arrived well packaged and are high quality. Thanks!
  16. dmg01

    FS MS9 Yoke Flip Kits

    I'm interested, +1 for me, thanks