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  1. Neo-Alec

    PROG-TOP Jumper config

    Thanks. Please add it to the neodevwiki if you can.
  2. Neo-Alec

    Help with Shock troopers 2

    Similar to this: View: My CMVS has a reset button installed similar to the one in the video, so the video shows how if you want you can use the reset button instead of actually installing a physical switch.
  3. Neo-Alec

    World Heroes Perfect: Gameplay Problems

    If you boot the game when the cart isn't making a good connection it can be glitchy and bad settings can be saved to the SRAM. You can also clear the backup RAM by going to the Hardware Test menu.
  4. Neo-Alec

    anyone here pre order project neon ?

    I got an early look at the game in this video:
  5. Neo-Alec

    Project Neon (Neo Geo) preorders re-opening, shipping March/April '24

    The game isn't quite out yet, but Fullset was kind enough to provide the full game to me so I could make a new Neo Geo Generation episode about it: View:
  6. Neo-Alec

    RGB Lab’s 3-4 player adapter

    The only Neo Geo controller that works without 5v is the original stick.
  7. Neo-Alec

    Bang Bead error after attract mode

    Change slots, clean the cart and slots, clear the backup ram. If you're worried if your cart is okay, I wouldn't worry about it. As you mentioned, some newer games might have issues.
  8. Neo-Alec

    Neo Geo VMC (virtual memory card) questions.

    I believe it depends on the version you have. I think the last version from NeoTurfMasta didn't require any pins lifted, but those obviously aren't being made now.
  9. Neo-Alec

    NeoGeo Conversions for fun and (no) profit - Blazing Star complete/documented

    I don't know if any of these are a match, but what you want to make is one of these, since there isn't a better way, and if you don't want the cart anymore, people will pay you for them. Ghostlop Ironclad Bang2 Busters Crossed Swords 2 (maybe)
  10. Neo-Alec

    How to check a NEO-BUF?

    This is with the diag bios? There's not much else.
  11. Neo-Alec

    AES plays blind - sound, no video

    If possible, try the system on another display or upscaler. Some perfectly working systems give no image at all on my Framemeister because there's something slightly off with the sync.
  12. Neo-Alec

    Captain Barrel, new Neo Geo game

    Nice Astro City. It's good to be able to see a developer playing their own game. It provides insight into the intention of the design.
  13. Neo-Alec

    Consolizing my new MV1C..

    Nice work. I'm not familiar with the board you're using. Desoldering those pins may not be necessary with this one.
  14. Neo-Alec

    MV1B Aliexpress Special

    I suck at modding, and I had no trouble replacing the batteries with coin cell holders on an MV-1, MV-1C and MV-4F so far.
  15. Neo-Alec

    MV1B Aliexpress Special

    3. What? Disabling the carging circuit is a standard part of the coin cell mod, and not a problem.
  16. Neo-Alec

    MVS MV1B/1C battery replacement

    Has anyone ever been successdul with a rechargeable one? Seems like the regular CR2032 non-rechargeable mod is easier and widely preferred. I've had the batteries hold the charge in more than one MVS board for years.
  17. Neo-Alec

    Replacement MV-2F memory card port?

    I had a MV-IC memory card reader board with bent pins, preventing the card from being inserted. It was also disgustingly dirty with black sludge. I was able to fix it by spending a bunch of time bending the pins back with a sewing needle.
  18. Neo-Alec

    Samurai Shodown 5 Special/Perfect - Improperly decrypted V-Roms

    I want to thank you again for the detailed instructions, and for documenting the V rom issue with this game so well, @Niko, because today I was finally successful thanks to all of this! Thank you again to everyone else who chimed in and helped/encouraged me along the way. In hindsight, I did...
  19. Neo-Alec

    NG.DEV Team MVS Carts - 4-slot Issues (Solved)

    4.0 has been the latest version since 2018.
  20. Neo-Alec

    Samurai Shodown 5 Special/Perfect - Improperly decrypted V-Roms

    Thanks for confirming. I bought four of the flash memory chips with the corrected rom on them from buyicnow this time around, so I have three left. I think I'll clean it up and give it one more try before giving up and ordering a new cart.