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  1. Kujako

    New dumb idea: building a Neo Print system

    I seem to not have minions, just a lot of meetings... I did pick up a "Dalmatians" pick label cart which is kind of interesting. Uses EPROMs in standard MVS cartridge boards (I added the stickers which is why they're a bit wonky).
  2. Kujako

    Minigun Supergun - An Open Source Supergun

    Expect a bit more current draw with multicarts and the like.
  3. Kujako

    New dumb idea: building a Neo Print system

    They made me an "assistant vice president" at work, not sure what that means but I've had no time to work on this... still trying to carve out a day or so to scan in the manuals.
  4. Kujako


    Looks great, much cleaner than my near failed attempts at boring out the button hole on my Vewlix. Had to put a red 2" sticker over the delaminated areas (the clear plastic outer layer delaminated).
  5. Kujako

    MITSU CPS1.5 Multi Spinner PCB and Cables

    What I have are some old Korg PS1 foot pedals. Things are really sturdy with a tactile switch. Mine are "vintage" but it looks like they've not changed much over the years. Used to use them to run keyboard macros for World of Warcraft...
  6. Kujako

    MITSU CPS1.5 Multi Spinner PCB and Cables

    I was thinking of a foot pedal. I have a few around I used to use with a programmable keyboard emulator that have a mini-phono jack connector. Could just wire the (A) button in parallel to a cable running out the back of the cabinet.
  7. Kujako

    MITSU CPS1.5 Multi Spinner PCB and Cables

    Good stuff. However correct me if I'm wrong but these do not incorporate a button do they? Meaning that for Forgotten Worlds you would still need to figure out a firing solution?
  8. Kujako

    MITSU CPS1.5 Multi Spinner PCB and Cables

    I've not seen anyone use those on a CPS1, I know it in theory is possible but had no idea about the wiring.
  9. Kujako

    MITSU CPS1.5 Multi Spinner PCB and Cables

    Just keep in mind they're more of a knob than a spinner... meaning they're not weighted and can't be "spun" only twisted (if that makes any sense). For me this is fine and was easy to adjust to, but some may find that too limiting.
  10. Kujako

    MITSU CPS1.5 Multi Spinner PCB and Cables

    I went with the AxunWorks mini spinners.
  11. Kujako

    Cursed consolized MV1B take 2. Pop, smell, no more audio.

    The issue is that with the MV1B the normal test points are inaccessible with a game cartridge running. I may have to solder in a bunch of wires so I can test things properly. In the meantime, I've added a four pin molex to the main supergun PCB and confirmed voltages are correct to the JAMMA...
  12. Kujako

    MVS MV1AX With Onboard Coin Counter???

    @Hansuke if you don't make progress with this and shipping can be figured out, I'd be interested in trading for a working MV1A board I think I have around here. Wouldn't mind poking at the one you have to see if I can figure out what's going on (think the 1A board I have has a socketed BIOS so I...
  13. Kujako

    MVS MV1AX With Onboard Coin Counter???

    Yeah... this one stumped me when posted on Reddit. Curious if anyone here can figure out what's going on.
  14. Kujako

    Cursed consolized MV1B take 2. Pop, smell, no more audio.

    I may need to solder in some wires to some points in order to use an audio probe... will give it a try this weekend. At the YM3016 and YM20610 I'm thinking (although the later is accessible from the back of the board).
  15. Kujako

    MV1B Consolized (Case design)

    Another option would be these adapters to flatten out the board. I kind of prefer them since it only requires modification of the main board and leaves the cartridge slot riser stock.
  16. Kujako

    'COBX' super gun and JAMMA extension interchangeability?

    Over the years I've picked up a few superguns and JAMMA extensions that use similar but not identical PCBs and DB15 cables. Anyone know if these are interchangeable?
  17. Kujako

    Cursed consolized MV1B take 2. Pop, smell, no more audio.

    Anyone know where to stick an audio probe to try and find where the point of failure is? These 1B's are kind of a pain to poke at due to how they're folded in half with the cart overlapping the majority of the main board. Test points on the bottom would be great...
  18. Kujako

    Cursed consolized MV1B take 2. Pop, smell, no more audio.

    New-new theory. There's a short or issue somewhere in the superguns 12v lines. This setup uses a secondary PCB in the back of the unit to pass power in and AV out. The issues I've seen in all cases seem to happen when 12v is supplied. I can't find a short, but that's not saying there isn't one...
  19. Kujako

    Cursed consolized MV1B take 2. Pop, smell, no more audio.

    Wondering if the point of failure might be the audio amp PCB, but really can't spot any problems. Installed with C to pin A50 on the cartridge riser, B to the right most top pin on the OPAMP and A to the left top pin. Seems to be correct, but not 100% sure. It could have fried something I...
  20. Kujako

    Cursed consolized MV1B take 2. Pop, smell, no more audio.

    So, making another pass at repairing a consolized systems based off a MV1B with a supergun designed by NeoJamma. Last pass resulted in an unresolved short to ground. Piked up...