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  1. Ravepants

    FS Arcade machine exporting from Japan || COSMO-LOGI LLC.

    I second the above from ChrisBEANS, i've just got back in to the hobby after a couple of year break and found it fairly sparse pickings here in the UK.
  2. Ravepants

    IGS PGM cart PCB gerber files

    Thank you fluffy, really cool of you, I needed 1 more board set, so will order it and let you know how it goes. 👍
  3. Ravepants

    Merry Xmas everyone!!!

    Bit late to the show, but Merry Christmas all, and thanks for such a great forum.
  4. Ravepants

    Dreamcast - Naomi Capcom Panel Official Interest Check

    Hey @hursit , Just checking in to see how this was doing. Are these beauties any closer to completion :D
  5. Ravepants

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    @mR_CaESaR Thanks, overlooked that part as i usually use hotspot mode! Edit 1: Unfortunately I still cant see the additional options, no update menu or OSD etc, i'll pull the image from the drive link again and re-flash just in case. It is on my home wifi network now though, so maybe i'll have...
  6. Ravepants

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    Stupid question, but has the google drive link been updated as it seems to be version 6.1.4 on there and I see reference to 6.1.8 here? I downloaded and flashed it but don't seem to have the new features like OSM, update system etc?
  7. Ravepants

    Dreamcast - Naomi Capcom Panel Official Interest Check

    Hi @hursit Any word when these might be available? :)
  8. Ravepants

    Irken (MiSTer) JAMMA Expander

    @invzim Thank you for the concise answer 👍 i'll get a kick harness made up. And thanks everyone else that chimed in 😊 @totozero I do have a jvspac as well, but I primarily use that for my mame PC. The jammafier/jamma expander jut seemed the right way to do it to me.
  9. Ravepants

    Irken (MiSTer) JAMMA Expander

    Sorry for the noob question, (i've read this thread and the docs on irkenlabs but can't quite figure it out!). Just got my expander (it rocks) and am using it with a jammafier in a JVS (net city) cab. Do I need to build a kick harness to have all 6 buttons or does the jammafier/expander do this...
  10. Ravepants

    PGM single game PCB interest check

    Package arrived a couple of days back, stoked to get building once my roms arrive! :D
  11. Ravepants

    Naomi 2 15/31khz weird issue

    @MetalliC I'll have to double check the BIOS makes audio output and report back, i honestly can't remember since i last fired it up. I'll take a look at the 315-6145 and Altera as also (well as best i can)
  12. Ravepants

    Naomi 2 15/31khz weird issue

    @Mrhide Thanks, i'll give him a shout.👍
  13. Ravepants

    Naomi 2 15/31khz weird issue

    Is there anyone in the UK/Europe that might be able to take a look at/diagnose my N2?
  14. Ravepants

    Naomi/Atomiswave 4P Games

    What OS/emulator are you running on the Pi4?
  15. Ravepants

    Naomi 2 15/31khz weird issue

    Hi All, I have a naomi 2 that was recently recapped it was working fine up until recently when it started booting to a black screen (with a cart or netdimm/pi) I read in one of tylerdurdans posts that it could possibly be a corrupt BIOS, so I got a new one (multi, new 2020 version patched for...
  16. Ravepants

    Dreamcast - Naomi Capcom Panel Official Interest Check

    i would prefer the original Japanese version :)
  17. Ravepants

    Dreamcast - Naomi Capcom Panel Official Interest Check

    Count me in for 1 👍
  18. Ravepants

    Naomi Pi 'WiPi Netbooter' - compatible with Pi 3&4

    Hey @chunksin this is awesome, Thank you ! :) I had a minor issue with adding the netdimm, it didn't want to be shown online in the gui for love nor money with, so after lots of cussing and resetting of the netdimm and network settings i finally for the hell of it gave it
  19. Ravepants

    ReAmiga PCB and Apple II rev0

    That looks amazing! 😍