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  1. meybarra

    Hello from West Virginia

  2. meybarra

    Greetings from the East Coast

    Welcome. From Virginia
  3. meybarra

    UD-USB Decoders

    LOL. When did they restock? I've been watching that site like a hawk.
  4. meybarra

    UD-USB Decoders

    Don't you need to power the undamed adapter through your supergun, and then plug it into your PC to do the firmware update?
  5. meybarra

    MS9 horizonal collapse 30-90 seconds after power on

    Make sure the harness for the remote adjustment board is securely attached to both the chassis and the remote board.
  6. meybarra

    FS Capcom mini cute repro

    My repro came with no monitor. I installed a 19" CRT (Kortek KTN-2001). The repro's were designed for 19" CRT monitors, especially Wells Gardner K7000.
  7. meybarra

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    @Anselmo What MVS board(s) are you using? There's a known solvable issue with MV1FS. Dropping the voltage or cutting a pcb trace solves it.
  8. meybarra

    SOLD SPI Seibu mobo + Senkyu

    With all this Namco System10 talk, I need to hype up Gahaha. Fire it up on MAME with your dual analog controller for mini game mayhem. Good luck with the rest of the sale @mybff
  9. meybarra

    Is it okay to post non-arcade related but other video game repair questions?
  10. meybarra

    Blast City / Astro City / Astro City 2 / NNC - Restorations

    I thought MS-8 were famous for sharpness but infamous for being picky with sync on some PCBs. Vice versa for MS-9, hence the sharpness mod kit. I once had a NAC with Hitachi tube and MS-9 chassis. It was super sharp at 15khz, no mod required.
  11. meybarra

    Fenrir Mount for Sega Saturn

    I purchased a print a while back. It works great in my Saturn.
  12. meybarra

    Toshiba PF tri-sync -- best place to send for repair in US in 2024?
  13. meybarra


    I just purchased a similar xbox from @mattsoft back in February. It was a smooth transaction, the item was packed very well, it arrived in great condition, and it works great. Best of luck.
  14. meybarra

    SOLD Neo Geo AES: ALL-IN-1 VORTEX Multicart

    Just get your butler to push the reset button
  15. meybarra

    Console JAMMAizer! Easily connect home consoles to your JAMMA arcade cabinet.

    Are there any open source controller PCBs for retro consoles? I know about the gp2040-ce for the modern stuff. Maybe the blueretro project can be forked to focus on lower lag wired solutions?
  16. meybarra

    Finally finished my cabs!

    Awesome! I wish I could get my space to look half as nice. If you can somehow work it out, I highly recommend a second Pras3 cab linked to the first for some head to head fun.
  17. meybarra

    Hello from Maryland!

    Welcome! Good to see another hobbyist in the region.
  18. meybarra

    Home Arcade System

    My 3.2 manual says SW1 toggles CSync output between A (Regenerated) and B (Buffered).