Search results

  1. mpatou

    MITSU CPS1.X Multi Dual Crystal

    Hi I've completely missed this topic! @Mitsurugi-w I'd like to purchase a full kit if it's still possible please Many thanks!
  2. mpatou

    Interest evaluation: cps1 mult crystal and/or audio merge kit

    Multi crystal and audio merge kit?
  3. mpatou

    Interest evaluation: cps1 mult crystal and/or audio merge kit

    Any news about those extensions?
  4. mpatou

    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiAES. Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Hello! I've just downloaded Gladmort's demo (Gladmort is quite a promissing game, Kickstarter here), and made the files run on the MultiAES/MVS. Would it be possible to add Galdmort, or Gladmort demo in the gamelist of the multi please? @Darksoft : speaking of gamelist, we talked briefly about...
  5. mpatou

    The King of Dragons (910805 Japan) Decrypted

    Sorry to dig this thread up, but a friend of mine had his kodj board suicided. Is the decrypted japanese set available somewhere? Thanks
  6. mpatou

    AfterBurner 2: Enhanced Edition : how to contact (dj)yt?

    Hi Chris! I already thanked you for your work by mail, but I want to thank you again for what you've done for the After Burner 2 lovers like me. The After Burner 2 Enhanced version is great! Among all the features, I think the music and sfx during the demo is the one I prefer : it's so badass...
  7. mpatou

    AfterBurner 2: Enhanced Edition : how to contact (dj)yt?

    In the recent re-releases of Shenmue1+2 (on PS4 and Xbox) you can play AfterBurner 2. This game is still available for online purchase, I believe we can consider AfterBurner 2 still exploited by SEGA. But anyway, this is SEGA's IP, they can be pretty aggressive about it. Some websites offering...
  8. mpatou

    AfterBurner 2: Enhanced Edition : how to contact (dj)yt?

    Hi We've just chatted a little with Chris White, and he declines the invitation. Besides, he's a bit unhappy about the fact that his personal email address has been publicly given here, as for the rom files (that contains copyrighted code from product still commercially exploited by SEGA...
  9. mpatou

    AfterBurner 2: Enhanced Edition : how to contact (dj)yt?

    Hello Just to let you know : I've just send an email to Chris White, using the address provided by DelArcade. Fingers crossed now
  10. mpatou

    AfterBurner 2: Enhanced Edition : how to contact (dj)yt?

    I will if he answers me
  11. mpatou

    AfterBurner 2: Enhanced Edition : how to contact (dj)yt?

    Thanks for you replies! I'm happy to know I'm not the only one interested in this project! @Esoteric_rt : many thanks for the rom files, I'll try them as soon as I have some 27c1000 ^^ @nem : I've just tried through twitter, I have a very old account I created long ago to contact Ryuichi...
  12. mpatou

    AfterBurner 2: Enhanced Edition : how to contact (dj)yt?

    Good evening My message is about this project by djyt (or just yt) who also made the SEGA X board Memory Test Software roms. Here is the link It looks awesome, I filled in the form to get the roms, also provided a...
  13. mpatou

    Interest evaluation: cps1 mult crystal and/or audio merge kit

    Actually, I was only interested in getting the multi crystal, at that price, I would buy both for sure!
  14. mpatou

    General talk about CPS1.5 Multi Addons

    Hi I was wondering if the 10/12MHz addon is ready? This is th addon I'm really looking forward to get :love:
  15. mpatou


    HI Sorry to dig this thread up, but I would need an RCDM-l1 reproduction as well, is it still possible to purchase some? I'll contact you via PM
  16. mpatou

    Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

    Okay I will send an email in that case.
  17. mpatou

    Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

    There is something I don't really understand : I've just been to and placed my (pre)order. My interest check number has never been asked/requested/demanded... I guess it's not necessary anymore? Has it ever been?
  18. mpatou

    C-Board connectors replacement

    While looking for 9140-4500PL, I found this It looks exactly the same, but it's available! I can't find any availability for 9140-4500PL (discontinued?)
  19. mpatou

    C-Board connectors replacement

    Thanks for you answers! I have references now, very helpful! Thanks guys!
  20. mpatou

    C-Board connectors replacement

    Hi I have a fully working CPS1 C-Board, but it has some poor contacts on two of its connectors that make it impossible to use. I searched on many websites with no result. Does anyone know what replacement part can I use, or where those connectors could be found? Many thanks!