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  1. Aganyte

    Sega FFB Controller Pro and hack

    I can give you the prices in a private message. As for mounting on an ID3, it's very easy to do and completely plug n play.
  2. Aganyte

    MEGA ADAPTERS - Plug and Play PC in SEGA Racing Cabinets

    If I'm not mistaken, it seems to me that the video amplifier card developed by Njz3 and Bandicoot includes protection against excessively high resolutions. Edit : I just saw njz3's message :D
  3. Aganyte

    MEGA ADAPTERS - Plug and Play PC in SEGA Racing Cabinets

    No, Initial D have JVS connectors. You can use my FFB controller Pro for JVS Cabinet.
  4. Aganyte

    Sega FFB Controller Pro and hack

    Yes, if you have the servo board still in good condition, I have everything you need. If the servo board is out of order, I can offer you solutions if you find a Sega midi or RS driver board.
  5. Aganyte

    Sega FFB Controller Pro and hack

    I up this topic because I realize that some people had not seen it.
  6. Aganyte

    MEGA ADAPTERS - Plug and Play PC in SEGA Racing Cabinets

    Yes, my pwm2happ can do the job.
  7. Aganyte

    MEGA ADAPTERS - Plug and Play PC in SEGA Racing Cabinets

    No problem, you're just telling the truth.
  8. Aganyte

    MEGA ADAPTERS - Plug and Play PC in SEGA Racing Cabinets

    Indeed, this solution is better for the M2 and M3 systems, for my part I concentrate on the JVS systems and those which are considered impossible to repair (because of the missing boards).
  9. Aganyte

    Sega FFB Controller Pro and hack

    I open this topic dedicated to my two boards intended to convert the racing arcade cabinet. The first board is the "Sega FFB controller Pro", it allows you to quickly (and without soldering) convert JVS arcade cabinet (Naomi, Lindberg and Ringedge cabinet, Namco cabinet like Mario kart, OR2...
  10. Aganyte

    Raspberry Pi to JAMMA idea

    This is exactly the same video system (VGA666). With CRT EVO, you have a pixel perfect result.
  11. Aganyte

    Force Feedback Translator - Sega MIDI, Sega RS422 and Namco RS232

    I can shipping to worldwide. Thanks for the uptobox server problem information. I can put program on another website. For the moment, you can put a computer in a midi cab but i'm allready work on Lindbergh in midi cab.
  12. Aganyte

    Force Feedback Translator - Sega MIDI, Sega RS422 and Namco RS232

    Great job WinterIsComing :thumbsup: My version is here :
  13. Aganyte

    Raspberry Pi to JAMMA idea

    Here come a new challenger !
  14. Aganyte

    NAOMI 2/Chihiro/Triforce Card Reader Emulator (Initial D3/WMMT/Mario Kart/F-ZERO AX)

    I passed many hours on original memory card reader with my logic analyser to retrieve the protocol logic. I found your thread when "Aspic" (Gamoover member) give me the link. But, at this moment, i've allready founded all protocol infos. I'ved used the RFID counter address decoding informations...
  15. Aganyte

    NAOMI 2/Chihiro/Triforce Card Reader Emulator (Initial D3/WMMT/Mario Kart/F-ZERO AX)

    For those want to follow my adventure :
  16. Aganyte

    NAOMI 2/Chihiro/Triforce Card Reader Emulator (Initial D3/WMMT/Mario Kart/F-ZERO AX)

    OK, initial D 6 finished. Next target Initial D 7...
  17. Aganyte

    NAOMI 2/Chihiro/Triforce Card Reader Emulator (Initial D3/WMMT/Mario Kart/F-ZERO AX)

    OK, write command finished and tested. I have : First read => "NEW CARD" and after write test => "OFFLINE CARD"