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    Sega Bass Fishing JST RA Pinout

    I’m trying to restore the Bass Fishing harness from my Blast City and a lot of the pins on the CN1 and CN11 connector were removed from the JST RA (black) connector. Can anyone take a good picture of the JST RA connector so I know where the pins go. I can’t seem to find the wiring diagram or a...
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    WTB Wtb: JST RA-3411 Connector

    @Lemony Vengeance Sent you a PM thanks!
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    WTB Wtb: JST RA-3411 Connector

    Bumping this thread, anyone have an extra JST RA-3411 Connector for sale? I am in need of one to restore a Bass Fishing wiring harness for my Blast. Thanks!
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    Naomi Dimm/Netdimm Battery Cover

    I was able to print this out successfully. Thanks for your work on this!
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    Naomi universal cabinet help

    Outrun 2 running on the Chihiro emulator on a 128mb ram Xbox is the vanilla version which has longer recovery time when you crash. Running Outrun 2006 Coast to Coast is the better option and doesn’t require a 128mb Xbox. I didn’t document the steps but the wheel I used was a Logitech Xbox...
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    Zero 3 Training Rom

    You just need to combine the .03 thru .10 files to make the sfz3tm.02 file. Then use that newly generated .02 file with the rest of the folder/file structure for the multi.
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    DARKSOFT BIOS and Header fixed atomiswave converts

    Was wondering the same thing. Anyone have a working link?
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    A little help: Capcom Q25 front cover lid hinge

    Now that you have the last piece of the puzzle, we will eagerly wait for the grand unveiling of your finished Q25 project @MyztikJenz!
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    A little help: Capcom Q25 front cover lid hinge

    There is no traditional hinge I can see. The third pic in my last post shows the white metal simply pivoting against the darker metal as a fulcrum. I have a video that shows it but can’t figure out how to post it. Edit: We found the hinge and it seems jermz1 was correct! MyztikJenz will...
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    A little help: Capcom Q25 front cover lid hinge

    30 degree and 130 degree angle.
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    A little help: Capcom Q25 front cover lid hinge

    I can see what I can do when I get home, but I don’t think it’s a special hinge or pivot. Looking at other pictures on the internet and your first pic (also your thread on Engineering Stack), I think it’s the shape of the lower cab part that needs to be altered.
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    A little help: Capcom Q25 front cover lid hinge

    Here’s some pics:
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    Namco System 2X6 I/O Sound Repair.

    Lost one sound channel on my System 2X6. Replaced the 4 SMD capacitors near the LA sound amp chip (heatsinked). Values are as follows: C16 & C19 - 2.2uF, C17 - 100uF, C18 - 47uF.
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    Sega JVS to Jamma adapter, kick buttons all stuck closed?

    Update on my situation: With JP1 set to position A, I used this Sanwa button mod from Jimbob0007 which allows the use of a cherry switch wired as NC to activate button 6.
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    A little help: Capcom Q25 front cover lid hinge

    You check out this thread?カプコン-q-グランダム-25-capcom-q-25-restoration-rgb-mod-ssfii-cpo-enhancements-insights.19960/
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    Sega JVS to Jamma adapter, kick buttons all stuck closed?

    I also am having this exact issue with two different Rev A I/O’s on my AWSD. At first I thought it was bad diodes but they test fine with my multimeter.
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    Nanao MS8-26SG Pincushion issue [solved]

    Very cool, glad you’re fixed for now!
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    Naomi universal cabinet help

    I’ve done the 18 wheeler to crazy taxi conversion. I followed an old post that said to take pin 23 out and place it in where pin 24 would be. Alternatively, you can dual wire pin 23 to 25 and 24 to 26 to make the shifter work correctly. Even though the 18 wheeler steering has...
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    Nanao MS8-26SG Pincushion issue [solved]

    It was electrolytic. You can see my thread here.
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    Nanao MS8-26SG Pincushion issue [solved]

    I had a pincushion problem on a Wei-Ya 3129D. Tested all the transistors, resistors, diodes, and pots but in my case it ended up being a bad capacitor so I wouldn’t rule out bad caps in the pincushion area.