Search results

  1. snakeGrave

    FS boards and cabs for sale: CPS1, CPS2, MVS, jamma, cocktail: MAGFEST pickup

    Not sure if this will pique anyone's interest, but I'll be at magfest this year and would be happy to bring stuff to sell/trade from this list. We should be able to test anything out in the arcade there.
  2. snakeGrave

    WTB Blast city control box latch catches

    Maybe these can be helpful as place holders for you
  3. snakeGrave

    FS boards and cabs for sale: CPS1, CPS2, MVS, jamma, cocktail: MAGFEST pickup

    garegga boots and one of the cps2 a boards are sold pics added of the dinged up cps2 board giving myself a bump help me get rid of some of this stuff :thumbsup:
  4. snakeGrave

    WTB FOUND WTB (2) Undamned USB Decoders

    Ive got 2 unused ones that id sell
  5. snakeGrave

    FS boards and cabs for sale: CPS1, CPS2, MVS, jamma, cocktail: MAGFEST pickup

    Got a couple pm’s I’ll respond to them tomorrow. @Malenko I’ll shoot you a pm too
  6. snakeGrave

    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Unfortunately I don’t the ability to easily swap out the bios on my single slot. I think I have a two slot that I can easily run the stock/unibios comparison on too. I’ll try to find time to do the following this weekend and will share the results -test 4 slot stock bios -test 2 slot stock...
  7. snakeGrave

    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    I have yeah, audio and video glitches still show up with the unibios on my 4 slot no matter the settings. For some games more than others.
  8. snakeGrave

    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    I'm beginning to pick up on graphical issues in many titles. All glitches cease when I switch over to my stock single slot, but keep in mind the single slot is also in an entirely different cabinet as well. I am using the Smokemonster roll-up for all games and a sandisk evo sd card btw. I am...
  9. snakeGrave

    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Loving the hardware so far! The multi seems to play nice with my single slot and stock bios, but I think it struggles to boot on my 4 slot with unibios version 3.2. Maybe this is because of the size of the games I have loaded onto the 3 slots though, I need to play around with it some more. I...
  10. snakeGrave

    FS boards and cabs for sale: CPS1, CPS2, MVS, jamma, cocktail: MAGFEST pickup

    Hey All, Trying to find new homes for some stuff. I've got a list of some pcbs for sale here I'm also considering selling 1 or both of these Sigma TW-18 cocktail cabs I posted about them here...
  11. snakeGrave

    WTB Undamned DB15 USB Decoder(s)

    I have two of the unhoused version that I could part with
  12. snakeGrave

    WTB WTB NNC/NC/blast cp lock brackets

    I designed these for use in a pinch if you have access to a 3d printer
  13. snakeGrave

    FS MT-100 Roland MIDI unit+Sequencer, MT-32 Inside (TM) (for real) $375 US

    I’m interested but have no idea if I should be.
  14. snakeGrave

    FS USD Price Check: Egret 3 Blast City

    Only thing I may want to trade would be these two sigma cocktail tables I did a bunch of work on recently. I could probably send some pics of them. I like them both but a 4th blast for two h2h setups would be more fun. I got this one linked to below and pretty much rewired the entire thing...
  15. snakeGrave

    FS USD Price Check: Egret 3 Blast City

    Gonna be in Charlotte next week for work, and I considered cancelling my flight and driving a uhaul with a blast in it home instead... I have to keep telling myself that I don't need this cab X(
  16. snakeGrave

    FS Selling a bunch of Boards - Updated 2024-11-11

    Interested in Strikers 1945 II (Psikyo SH2/PS3) - Conversion (maybe factory? looks professionally done) would be a good multi donor - $185 What's the deal with this multi now, is it attainable yet?
  17. snakeGrave

    Interest Check - NEW MVS MULTI BATCH!!

    Dang, so this is it for the multi MVS? I missed out :[ whoop I just noticed SaveYourGames had a few left so I'll gladly eat those extra $$$'s for one of these
  18. snakeGrave

    MITSU CPS1.X Multi Dual Crystal

    Hi, are any full kits still available for purchase?