Search results

  1. Mobiusstriptech

    FS MP07-IONA-US JVS/USB I/O Board v3.11: Worldwide Sales & Troubleshooting Thread

    I agree it's unfortunate that there is not something to let you know what mode you are in, along with the settings. Still it's a really nice little board. I think it was earlier in this thread someone mentioned that dip switches would be good. Normally I'd rather not have dip switches, but I can...
  2. Mobiusstriptech

    FS MP07-IONA-US JVS/USB I/O Board v3.11: Worldwide Sales & Troubleshooting Thread

    For the people having issues with certain NAOMI's, have you tried flipping the JVS compatibility mode? I have 4 NAOMI and 2 of the work on one setting and 2 work on the other setting. With the 1.43 firmware you can quickly swap back and forth between the settings.
  3. Mobiusstriptech

    FS MP07-IONA-US JVS/USB I/O Board v3.11: Worldwide Sales & Troubleshooting Thread

    Newly added to the latest firmware V1.43, per my request, swap JVS signal mode by holding Test button at power up. No more having to work your way through the different modes and figure out which one is the option menu.
  4. Mobiusstriptech

    Positive feedback for AMS

    @AMS hooked me up with a nice clean NetDimm setup. Much appreciated sir. Everything is working great.
  5. Mobiusstriptech

    WTB GBA Consolizer Install

    Hopefully. I'm trying to work through everything I have currently. Nearing the finish line on the Nomad Triple Bypass revision.
  6. Mobiusstriptech

    WTB GBA Consolizer Install

    I charge less for the consolizer but I am pretty swamped currently with Nomads.
  7. Mobiusstriptech

    WTB GBA Consolizer Install

    The consolizer is incredibly tedious. The new case option does make it a bit easier to assemble, but there is absolutely jack for instructions with the new case and even some of the old stuff. Some of the bridges you need to do are only shown in random videos and only on damaged systems. Making...
  8. Mobiusstriptech

    Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

    I am very interested in 1 of these. Need my CPS1 fix.
  9. Mobiusstriptech

    FS Colecovision RGB Boards

    Up for sale are the citrus3000psi RGB boards for the Colecovision/ADAM. These boards are designed to be soldered to the bottom of the VDP and provide RGBS to an output connector of your choice. To properly calibrate these boards, 3 onboard POTs are used to adjust each color individually...
  10. Mobiusstriptech

    FS FS : Neo Geo MVS carts

    Appreciate the offer. I'll pass.
  11. Mobiusstriptech

    FS FS : Neo Geo MVS carts

    Well personally I never like doing the make an offer thing but considering what they sell for on Ebay, since that's where people tend to get prices from $80 shipped via PayPal FF.
  12. Mobiusstriptech

    FS FS : Neo Geo MVS carts

    really interested in that shock troopers.
  13. Mobiusstriptech

    Everything the forum has made possible : )

    Looks very clean. Wish my setup was that nice.
  14. Mobiusstriptech

    What's Your Neo-Geo Motherboard?

    that would be a really big print.
  15. Mobiusstriptech

    DARKSOFT Get your MultiMVS Here:

    Yeah I read both of those statements the same way you did. The NeoSD packager is definitely specific. It only supports specific Rom files. Anything unsupported gets kicked out basically. Maybe someone who has the MultiMVS physically in hand can chime in with how the device actually handles the...
  16. Mobiusstriptech

    DARKSOFT Get your MultiMVS Here:

    Maybe there is a language barrier that is coming into play here. My statement was that Darksoft is saying any Rom will appear in the menu but the artwork is hardcoded for specific names. Your statement however is that the Rom will not appear in the menu at all, unless it is in a hardcoded list...
  17. Mobiusstriptech

    DARKSOFT Get your MultiMVS Here:

    I think this statement from a member of team is where the confusion is coming. According to one of you only certain roms will even show in the menu. According to the other it just won't show artwork. Those are two very different statements. One makes it sound like only specific games will show...
  18. Mobiusstriptech

    DARKSOFT Get your MultiMVS Here:

    when it's announced.
  19. Mobiusstriptech

    First SuperGun Build Questions and Suggestions

    Speaker- is not a channel. With mono you are only going to use Speaker+. You will want to hook Speaker- to the switch and if you are connected to a MVS pinout, then if you turn on the switch you will get stereo audio. Standard JAMMA is mono only. The only way to get true stereo from a JAMMA...
  20. Mobiusstriptech

    First SuperGun Build Questions and Suggestions

    The same pins are used. So the switch or jumper would just be for enabling or disabling the second channel. It would still be the same connections.