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  1. ekorz

    Easy Arcade 2?

    I don’t think it’s internal but I’m just reading this “Use a USB-PD power supply that can output 20V. USB-PD power supplies up to 65W can be used.“ Yeah I have no idea what it’s doing power wise but it sounds like it’s taking 20v DC from a wall wart and generating 5v 12v and -5v from there. I...
  2. ekorz

    Easy Arcade 2?

    I am phenomenally skeptical of usb being used to power an arcade pcb. You mention “internal” usb-c but it is absolutely and external dc wall wart that is being used with these. but I would feel that it would be inadequate for most arcade pcbs. The max those dc PSUs go is 65w I think, and the...
  3. ekorz

    WTB Brezzasoft Crystal System Multi

    That's weird... I dug around and I think my multi came pre-flashed. I don't have the software either. @twistedsymphony do you have it? you're usually more organized than I am...
  4. ekorz

    Sega Model 2/Model 3 Jumper Configurations And Security Board Info

    Or lack of an amplifier entirely!
  5. ekorz

    Holy Cow! DIY alternative to CPS3 UltraSIMMs

    Woof, that’s the bug from hell. “intermittent problems after extended use” So reproducing the issue requires a lot of time and only happens occasionally.
  6. ekorz

    CPS1 Multi options

    It should. I’d think it would just exhibit less slowdown than normal
  7. ekorz

    WTB WTB: Aleck 64 Motherboard

    That would be a bummer, I’m pretty sure it fit easily inside one of those medium flat rate boxes! I looked around but I broke down the box I was using to store them both, so I’m confident I don’t have it anymore. Memory fuzzy but blue cart, probably in it’s own blue/green bubble wrap.
  8. ekorz

    WTB WTB: Aleck 64 Motherboard

    I was selling both, I’m pretty sure I shipped both! Who would buy just the cart!? I’ll take a look in my basement but you should too… Edit: well at least my listing and notes say… Aleck 64 + Eleven Beat (no control panel) - 200 I certainly didn’t need the dang cart anymore
  9. ekorz

    WTB WTB: Aleck 64 Motherboard

    You bought the eleven beat along with the motherboard didn’t you?
  10. ekorz

    WTB WTB: Aleck 64 Motherboard

    the board was from tops originally but i didn’t have a control panel. I did boot it with that eleven beat before I shipped it. That one doesn’t work either? I do have a controller attached to that supergun in the photo fwiw. But just a normal jamma analogue thing
  11. ekorz

    WTB WTB: Aleck 64 Motherboard

    Check your stockpile? I sold you one last year lol!
  12. ekorz

    CPS1 Multi options

    I expect that’s a new pcb yes. They make other variations too, or at least they did. 4 in 1. 16 in 1. Maybe 32 in 1. I forget them all and I’m not sure what is current. The only other cps1 multi out there is from aje_fr but I’m not sure he produces them anymore, certainly not at any scale...
  13. ekorz

    CPS1 Multi options

    That is just a B board, fyi. Looks like it will require an A and C board, and I’m guessing a specific C board (champ edition / ie no security) but it’s hard to tell which one. That seller makes basically mediocre stuff, often uses flash memory designed for 3v systems (arcade is going to use 5v...
  14. ekorz

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    Ok so probably not hack time. But I could still use an sh2 wizard for something myself… if anyone’s out there!
  15. ekorz

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    Idk if I’m reading this correctly but the base config shows the RTC chip is also used as an output, as it has an eeprom. It has a write port and clock. so it may not be something you can “just patch” without losing some function that it serves...
  16. ekorz

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    This ain’t my processor lol. No rtc hax from me :(
  17. ekorz

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    Maybe Mr Chinese dude will just take these gerbers and sell it as a package lol. I’m in favor if it means original boards stay un-fucked and folks get working stuff
  18. ekorz

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    If this is what I think it is, I hope folks know someone who is good with smd work. Because you won’t want to risk screwing up a donor pcb… maybe film an install vid so folks know what they’re getting into? I would think it would work with a bootleg though, so that’s at least an option I...
  19. ekorz

    Worth buying this board?

    I do! It’s just not something you should try first. Find some dead bootlegs with no custom chips and only cheap/uniqutous logic driving them. Get some data sheets and a logic probe and go to town
  20. ekorz

    Worth buying this board?

    Nope. They’re not even selling you the full game. It looks like just the A board (the actual game data is on the B board, and security on the C board). Also diagnosing this would require about $100 in custom parts to allow you to probe the A board (otherwise it’s under the B and C stack)...