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  1. S

    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Hello, the diagram is correct but your wiring is reversed. If you look closely at the DB15 connector, it says 8 where you wired Ground. :)
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    Sega Dreamcast Arcade Stick to Jamma

    Hello, it looks like you have Ground connected to Pin8 instead of Pin1? :huh:
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    Positive feedback for GoldenGlover

    @GoldenGlover sold me a video converter. Overall the transaction was excellent. Communication was fast and pleasant. He went to the trouble to get multiple shipping quotes for me and then shipped it out very quickly and well packed too. GoldenGlover is the man! :thumbsup:
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    MiSTer JAMMA options?

    Thanks a lot for your reply, I do appreciate the insight! :D:thumbup: After learning more about the SDRAM issues, jotego did a lot of research on the subject and at the end, he made some suggestions for the PCB design and it would seem that aje_fr did take some into consideration. If you look...
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    MiSTer JAMMA options?

    In regards to the SDRAM, in his product description, aje_fr does make a point to mention that he tested his design for 8 hours with jotego's 96MHz software so I'm not sure if the concerns are warranted. As far as expandability, does that mean that any JAMMA adapter solution that uses either of...
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    MiSTer JAMMA options?

    I don't know. :whistling: I'm not in the market for one, but I've seen people put themselves on his waiting list in his thread on neo-arcadia who aren't from France and it seems that he's acknowledging them.
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    MiSTer JAMMA options?

    Another option that I think should be mentioned is aje_fr's design. I think it's impressive that he incorporated the SDRAM module onto his board. Also, except for the JAMMA Expander, I think they all use the GPIO pins for the video output...
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    Your CPS2 Setup

    Just thought I'd share this CPS2 Multi sticker I made for myself a while back in case someone else wanted to use it. It's inspired by the SSF2X label. I haven't printed it out for myself yet but it should be OK. I included 2 versions, one darker than the other. :) :thumbup...
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    OpenJVS - JVS Emulator

    I don't know, I just saw the diagram in the JVS pdf and thought I would include the component footprints just in case. ^^
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    OpenJVS - JVS Emulator

    Here's V1.1, the main difference is that now it uses the 26-pin header for compatibility with older model Raspberry Pi. Everything is included in the zip. Hope it helps! :thumbsup:
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    OpenJVS - JVS Emulator

    Hello, I felt like having a go at designing the Raspberry Pi HAT. It was my first time making an organized schematic and also using 3D modeling so it was a good learning experience! ^^ I included the schematic, Gerber and EAGLE project files in the zip. I understand that it's useless for now...
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    DARKSOFT How to convert a Xbox PCB to repair Chihiro

    I followed this very well written guide here: As far as what I learned from my own experience doing the mod. Starting with new RAM chips would've made things easier since the legs are clean. Chip alignment is crucial. I just soldered and tested 1...
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    DARKSOFT How to convert a Xbox PCB to repair Chihiro

    Good luck to anyone attempting this! Upgrading my Xbox to 128MB was the first quarantine mod that I completed. I harvested the RAM chips from a V1.6. The XBlast OS 128MB RAM test was very helpful too. It would've been a lot less annoying if it was only 1 chip to solder, but there are 4 in...
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    Fast IO questions, connectors

    Friend, all the info is on the 1st page of this thread. Have a look at this picture. :thumbup:
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    Fast IO questions, connectors

    Are you sure? from
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    [Tutorial] Naomi reading compact flash on 'normal' non-net dimmboard

    74LCX16245MTD-ND Still had the invoice in my email from my Digi-Key order from a few years ago. :D
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    Got myself a Taito Type X I/O card, what's next?

    Ah OK I see. Wish I could be more help but I sold my X2's a long time ago. I just know that Device Manager is devmgmt.msc in the system32 folder. Have you tried dropping a copy of cmd.exe into the Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder? I'm sure you'll sort it out eventually! :thumbsup:
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    Got myself a Taito Type X I/O card, what's next?

    Sorry if it sounds super obvious to you already, but did you try changing the COM port number in Device Manager? Other than that, I wouldn't have a clue! :D
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    Got myself a Taito Type X I/O card, what's next?

    Nice work! :thumbup: :thumbup: Are you going to use RJ45 & USB breakout boards internally? I was going to do something similar but decided to go a different route (just installed the PCIe IDMAC board inside my gaming desktop instead).
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    Netboot: pi zero stylee edition

    @ArcSys101: I think another member here was able to update from 2.13 via Netboot. Original thread: Netboot on 2.13 Netdimm board without loading time