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  1. doozer

    WANTED: R-Type side art scans

    No I don't, sorry. Perhaps I'm misremembering things. It was a long, long time ago :)
  2. doozer

    WANTED: R-Type side art scans

    I found this one: But it has Nintendo instead of IREM written on it? Was that some licensing deal back in the day... I don't recall ever seeing them have Nintendo on the artwork in Australia?
  3. doozer

    WANTED: R-Type side art scans

    Anyone got high res scans of the IREM R-Type side art for the cabinet? Looking to get some printed to build a cabinet. I would also be fine purchasing pre-printed stuff. Thanks!
  4. doozer

    Japan proxy shipper

    Appreciate the offer, but I believe I have a solution for now.
  5. doozer

    Japan proxy shipper

    It's very strange. I have ordered countless electronic items over the years and they all contain a PCB. I guess it was good while it lasted.
  6. doozer

    Japan proxy shipper

    Yeah. I’ll be using Rinkya next time.
  7. doozer

    Japan proxy shipper

    Buyee just responded to my query: In response to your package [xxxx], and as we mentioned in our last email, we would like to provide you with an important update. We are pleased to inform you that we have thoroughly reviewed the contents of your package. However, we must bring to your...
  8. doozer

    Japan proxy shipper

    Thanks everyone. I've reached out to Buyee to see if they can explain what the issue is. Once I have a reply, I'll reach out.
  9. doozer

    Japan proxy shipper

    My only thought is they noticed it has gambling software on it, which can be tricky in Japan.
  10. doozer

    Japan proxy shipper

  11. doozer

    Japan proxy shipper

    Hi All, I recently won a Lindbergh Red PC on Buyee. Buyee are being difficult this time and say they won't ship it internationally and will only ship to a Japanese address. Is anyone offering a similar service like @Joko3 used to offer? Ideally I'm looking for someone to remove the HDD...
  12. doozer

    FS NOS Wangan Maximum Tune 6R standee

    You could probably convince me that I need this if shipping to Australia isn't too crazy :)
  13. doozer

    Hello hello from Australia!

    Welcome aboard!
  14. doozer

    FS PCBs - CPS1/CPS2/CPS3/Taito/Sega and more

    Got any pictures of the Ikari Warriors Panel? Thanks!
  15. doozer

    Lego Outrun 1986

    A few more pictures of the set.
  16. doozer

    APOCALYPSE M92 Wait List and Sales Thread!!!

    Hell yes :) Put me down for one, please.
  17. doozer

    Lego Outrun 1986

    This needs 10000 votes and LEGO will make it! I want one, so please vote :) Not my design, I just want one.
  18. doozer

    Outrun2 SDX Ranking Board

    If only I had the room for it :)
  19. doozer

    Outrun2 SDX Ranking Board

    @Bashi I'll take any footage you can provide! Thank you.