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  1. L

    Ignignxkt's Vewlix Diamond Black Build!

    Idk, my Nesica pin out is marked as P2 Confirmed with Chris that it does connect to the p2 port on the io board. The card readers are pretty worthless without an arcade board. I'm tempted to gut mine and just put wireless charging coils in it.
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    Ignignxkt's Vewlix Diamond Black Build!

    Actually both p1 and p2 harnesses plug into the same IO connector and connect to the P1 port and connect to the IO board through the G connector and P1 port. The P2 port is for the nesica card reader. That's why the pin count on the p1 is 4 and the pin count on the p2 is five. I talked to the...
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    Ignignxkt's Vewlix Diamond Black Build!

    I looked more at my set up. The p2 pins on the IO board are for the nesica card reader funny enough.
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    Ignignxkt's Vewlix Diamond Black Build!

    No worries, I think I got a lot of it figured out. I have 2 control harnesses and I think I saw how both hook up into the IO board connector. The only place I'm confused now is that the IO board connector cable only has one cable labeled p1 that I assume connects to the p1 pins on the board...
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    Ignignxkt's Vewlix Diamond Black Build!

    The only reason I was looking into the using the IO was to be able to use the coin slot on the cab. From what I read the only way to do that is with an IO board? ATM j have a nesica card reader and a coin slot that's not being used, just trying to figure out how to actually use em.
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    Ignignxkt's Vewlix Diamond Black Build!

    I'd have to find my harnesses and figure out how they connect to the Brook. Does the brook board physically connect to the hadouken IO? Atm I just have a 20pin brook harness connecting the buttons and stick to the 20 pin port on the Brook board and a usb cable from the board running through to...
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    Ignignxkt's Vewlix Diamond Black Build!

    Do you have templates for the art you made for the cab? I'm commissioning art from my favorite artist and just trying to make his life as easy as possible and templates would be a huge help. Also I have a hadouken IO board but have no idea what to do with it lol. The core of my cab is a laptop...
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    FS Vewlix or (Uni Blast Backlit/Translit) Marquee art set (UPDATED 10-JAN-2025) ~ Samurai Shodown Final Ed.

    Do you do any reprints for art that's sold out? I just bought your GG strive set and I damaged the ramlethal through happy chaos portion and was hoping to reorder the set but it's sold out. If you're open to doing a one time print of just that piece LMK. Thanks
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    Request Custom Capcom Sub Panel and 2x Stock Mounting Plates

    New to the site, didn't realize tagging was a thing lol. @alberto1225 . Sorry if you've already seen this post and this tag is unnecessary.
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    Request Custom Capcom Sub Panel and 2x Stock Mounting Plates

    Hi Alberto: I'm interested in a quote for a capcom sub panel. I'm also interested in 2 stock mounting plates (assuming these are vewlix stock plates) Can you also send me a price on 1p and 2p Vlewlix capcom control panel? I have originals of...