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  1. fuzzbuddy

    Neo Geo VMC (virtual memory card) questions.

    Registered interest a few days ago :p I think this may take a while. If anyone has a spare they would consider selling, I'd really appreciate it.
  2. fuzzbuddy

    Neo Geo VMC (virtual memory card) questions.

    Thank you. I messaged him, but didn't get a reply.
  3. fuzzbuddy

    Neo Geo VMC (virtual memory card) questions.

    Sold out?
  4. fuzzbuddy

    Neo Geo VMC (virtual memory card) questions.

    Does anyone have a link to purchase any VMCs for 1 slot boards? I can't find anything :(
  5. fuzzbuddy

    WTB Neo XYX MVS + Razion MVS

    Razion want added (ideally the wooden cart).
  6. fuzzbuddy

    SOLD NEC XP-37 Plus (XP3790)

    It's only a 44 hour drive to Oregon.
  7. fuzzbuddy

    WTB Storm Blade

    I think @ddshot had one for sale recently.
  8. fuzzbuddy

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....

    That is good, that is good. Announcement delayed until April 1st.
  9. fuzzbuddy

    WTB Neo XYX MVS + Razion MVS

    After these games on MVS if you're willing to sell. Got PCBs for trade too if that helps
  10. fuzzbuddy

    Cave CV1000 3D printed cases

    I'm on it. Will test with my undumped Matsuri PCB for good measure.
  11. fuzzbuddy

    Cave CV1000 3D printed cases

    Is there a hole for volume control?
  12. fuzzbuddy

    FS FS: Big PCB List (price reductions and NEW TITLES!)

    Last Duel (with art) Pnickies 1941 (with art+flyer) Metro Cross (with adapter) Nova 2001 (with art set) Cadash JPN (with art+flyer) Mirai Ninja kit (with art+pop+flyer) Libble Rabble Kit Namco Classics Collection 1 + 2 kits All the above are now sold^
  13. fuzzbuddy

    a hello from hokkaido(Japan)

    I got roasted on Neo-Arcadia for not writing "bonjour/salut" in a sales/trade thread. Just saying.
  14. fuzzbuddy

    Undercover Cops PCB region identification (help pls)

    Could also be a Japanese Rom board on a World Motherboard. Japanese license seal is blue. EDIT: I think @nem is correct.
  15. fuzzbuddy

    FS Sale / Trade Cave Collection and more

    - Deathsmiles FK - £1500-1800 - Ibara FK - £1500-1650 - Akai Katana FK £3000~ - Ketsui FK - This one is difficult, as people don't usually have the suction cup, stack of 30 flyers (ring bound) , warning sticker, blue sheet etc. - Dodonpachi PCB - £1200 - 1500 if it's a mint Japanese one. They...
  16. fuzzbuddy

    FS FS: Big PCB List (price reductions and NEW TITLES!)

    Almost everything reduced.
  17. fuzzbuddy

    FS PCBs for sale (01/02/2025)

    Calling @ChrisBEANS
  18. fuzzbuddy

    Irem M92 Multi Game Dev Info

    Fire Barrel is an M107 game isn't it? I didn't realise that the M92 multi could support that game.