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  1. Flinnster

    mvs unibios 4.0

    Thanks for that tidbit of info. I'd been searching this evening for ages and just needed that tech-spec which I couldn't find anywhere. Cheers muchly! :P
  2. Flinnster

    S16 OLED selector - A challenger appears

    Just spotted this. Nice, pop me down for one. Also if you need any help on game logo bitmaps for the LCD, for variants to distinguish between regions and stuff, just ask :thumbup:
  3. Flinnster

    What Sega hardware is this?

    Yep cutting the horizontal metal bars is pretty much mandatory, and then also pulling the chassis down onto the metal shelf under the usual monitor position is the usual way people tate the stock monitors (keep it in the plastic frame and just use double sided tape to secure it). I actually have...
  4. Flinnster

    What Sega hardware is this?

    Nice trick on the CRTs, as yeah - fitting standard 14" CRTs in there from de-cased TVs is often the tricky part! :D I'm a total mix of stuff in mine. I pretty much have a pi 2 jamma solution for each cab now, but I'm still a sucker for real hardware so they get swapped out for other JAMMA pcbs...
  5. Flinnster

    Flyer Banner Reproduction Thread

    Superb work. Are you planning on more of these? I'd order the MS and Sonic one together for sure, but it makes sense to bundle a load together to ship here to the UK really (either duplicates of the same for others here to save on postage/fees or more banner designs when you have them) :thumbsup:
  6. Flinnster

    What Sega hardware is this?

    Also if these are flat panel cabs.. where are you sourcing all these 14" CRTs? :)
  7. Flinnster

    What Sega hardware is this?

    Turns out the PIC on that LnB above wasn't dumped actually. I'm sending it off to a friend now so it will be :thumbup: And nice work on your stuff MetalliC - you just breathed life back into one of Dino cabs I had left as stock - an RFID chip with 400+ credits on it nuked itself somehow, and is...
  8. Flinnster

    What Sega hardware is this?

    fUt YeAh! :thumbsup: Nice work tracking down all those JPY Koi Carp cabs :D I have never seen them in the flesh - only in photos. Do they have speakers in the plastic side panels of the monitor surround? I noted the holes there on closer inspection ;) And.. do you actually play the same game on...
  9. Flinnster

    DL-0311 / CPS-A-01 Reverse Engineering

    May I extend my congrats! Then.. HOLY FRIKKEN COW!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  10. Flinnster

    Espgaluda PGM problems: Either crashing or not booting at all with glitchy static

    Oh, as for the power note.. at the Jamma edge (voltmetered) I tend not to slavishly adjust my switcher depending on what PCB is plugged in. What this means is that I'm usually running larger, older boards at around 5v, but this will be higher.. creeping up to 5.2v / 5.25v for newer, smaller...
  11. Flinnster

    Espgaluda PGM problems: Either crashing or not booting at all with glitchy static

    Easynow fellas, how long has this punch up being going on? :thumbsup: Er.... I have just the one DDP-DOJ-BL cart that has glitchy lines in the background tiles and some of the logos. We think this was due to hairthin kynar and dodgy soldering to the VCC power pins on the replaced ROMs, which...
  12. Flinnster

    CPS1 Multi. Official Thread

    This is looking awesome, I'll definitely take my 1x within the allocated 30 day period :D (I've no idea how elite I am on the eliteList of elite things)
  13. Flinnster

    First arcade PCB!

    Nice tip on the A-Board heatsink :thumbsup: Yeah I commonly touch the metal connections to my radiator pipes to earth myself of any static. Any pipe metalwork (non painted) that has a connection into the foundations of your home is good.
  14. Flinnster

    FS A few candy cabs up for sale

    I'm working on the great wall! 8o
  15. Flinnster

    First arcade PCB!

    Away from static. Nowhere near carpet! Personally I have my pcbs in large cardboard boxes, wrapped in anti-static bubble wrap, because I leave the PCB feet on them. Others swear by anti-static bags (the big foil style ones). Store them in warm areas, and avoid moisture.
  16. Flinnster

    First arcade PCB!

    Congrats! A word of warning.. store that CPS1 boardset very very carefully. The base A boards unfortunately have a very high failure rate, so treat it with utmost care :thumbup: As for cabs... CPS1 looks utterly beautiful on the little Dino King cabinets... if you're happy to put up with a 14"...
  17. Flinnster

    FS A few candy cabs up for sale

    Dude! Noooooo! :depressed:
  18. Flinnster

    New PGM Website :-)

    Wow am I the only person on earth with an actual world cart of Demon Front? 8o
  19. Flinnster

    New PGM Website :-)

    Awesome stuff Tim. Once again every day is a PGM schoolday. I had no idea the carts had all region info already on them, locked out to a single region. Definitely a cool feature to be able to unlock them all.