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  1. tacobell

    Easy Arcade 2?

    I said the exact same thing to Shuichi. Unfortunately, he’s doing these by hand and getting these boards printed In a separate factory. If anything, @RGB is very aware and hope he cooks up something similar to provide for this community. We need healthy competition in the supergun space as it...
  2. tacobell

    Easy Arcade 2?

    Yes, it’s pretty stable regardless of the type of board. 5v would be from 4.99 - 5.01 and 12v would be from 11.99 -12.01 at load. However, they stabilize after a few seconds. From cv1k, Mortal Kombat 2 and the dual jamma boards like run n gun and title bout, they all act similar to what your...
  3. tacobell

    Easy Arcade 2?

  4. tacobell

    Easy Arcade 2?

    The only way to get these is through KVC.lab in Tokyo or their online store. They post on twitter when their stock goes live, but sell out of stock in 2 min. From my previous testings, the 5v is pretty stable, but DM me if you want to discuss...
  5. tacobell

    Easy Arcade 2? Coincidentally, he tested the CPS2 the most with the Easy Arcade 2.
  6. tacobell

    Easy Arcade 2?

    I’ve had no issues with this. That picture is mine. I’ve been extensively testing this with many boards. I’ve also worked closely with Shuichi on QA. So far nothing had been damaged nor any weird effects. As long as you use a good pd power supply or battery, it should be fine. I’ve tested this...
  7. tacobell

    CV1000D Multi! NOT A BOOT CHAT THREAD - Formerly: A huge project is approaching....
  8. tacobell

    Nanao MS-2933 Issue after taking it in for Repair at PNL

    Just got this back again from John at PNL. Ran a 24 hour test and it’s pretty stable now. No vertical folding! So when I got it back in October, it was running fine for a couple days. Unfortunately, it folded again after running the machine for about 2 hours: It would fix itself after a...
  9. tacobell

    Fighting Layer no longer Boots

    Pinging @cruzlink2
  10. tacobell

    Fighting Layer no longer Boots

    Not sure how to check the roms. I did recap the entire board and switched the fighting layer top board with the tekken 3 top board. I was able to play tekken 3, but the fighting layer board is still blank. It keeps flickering, unable to sync. No sound, no boot, just black.
  11. tacobell

    Fighting Layer no longer Boots

    I did this and unfortunately still blank. Planning on recapping the board as I see some damage which wasn't there a year ago.
  12. tacobell

    Fighting Layer no longer Boots

    Haven’t tested this for over a year. Was working perfectly, but now it no longer boots. Just black screen. Any suggestions on where to check first?
  13. tacobell

    Naomi 2 Inconsistently Powers On

    My Naomi 2 randomly stopped playing Crazy Taxi after about 10 minutes. I power cycled multiple times last night, no signal or sound. I tested another naomi 2 and that powered up with no issues. After some time, tried again this morning and it eventually started back up again after 4 power...
  14. tacobell

    A Freeware Taito TypeX2 Multigame.

    Is there a specific usb cable I should try? I have a bunch but not sure what I should be looking for. As for verifying voltage, where should I measure? Jamma edge?
  15. tacobell

    A Freeware Taito TypeX2 Multigame.

    Tried this new ttxshell.exe with the both the old and new dll but didn’t run. However, the Capcom I/O works.
  16. tacobell

    A Freeware Taito TypeX2 Multigame.

    No worries. Just let me know what you need me to do on my end. Appreciate the help!