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  1. pulstarx

    DARKSOFT Darius Gaiden EXTRA: Missing Background Layer on Zone D

    Did you compare the same ROM between Mame und the F3 Multi?
  2. pulstarx

    Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

    I think it's just a matter of time until repros of those spinners will be made. Please also add a CPS2 kickharness connector. So it's a drop in in our CPS2 setups.
  3. pulstarx

    Any chance for a new revision of CPS2 Multi?

    I would take a 2nd unit for tate if it gets a clean revision with nice headers and professional made security cable.
  4. pulstarx

    Dim Picture Nanao ms2931

    Most of the time it's just incorrectly set DIP switches. Sometimes the remoteboard cable can be broken too and thus send wrong DIPs.
  5. pulstarx

    Guardian Force De-Lag

    Awesome! How do we use this on STV-Multi?
  6. pulstarx

    CV1000 Tech / Conversion

    You can't reflash the sound data anyway. Not sure how many people would be willing to begin with to experiment with +$1000 PCBs.
  7. pulstarx

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    @Derick2k you can turn the uni-bios splash off and also I would turn off the MVS hardware test screen (the green jumbled one).
  8. pulstarx

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    You can identify functions of pins here:
  9. pulstarx

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    1FS is IMO the most important board because it's the smallest stereo board. A lot of people use this, myself included.
  10. pulstarx

    So whats next on the list of multis?

    If I can't buy it, it doesn't exists ;)
  11. pulstarx

    Darksoft Neo Multi Help thread

    if we delete the 16MB "vroma0" music file from the menu folder. Will it boot faster? or stop and throw an error? It should shave off a couple of seconds...
  12. pulstarx

    So whats next on the list of multis?

    Wouldn't you have a problem with them too if you do a PGM multi? 90% of people that want a PGM multi probably want it only for the CAVE games...
  13. pulstarx

    WTB The junkiest Atomiswave or E3 available

    I would buy one conversion set for E3. If you make one for NNC I take 2-3 units.
  14. pulstarx

    PLEASE VOTE!!!: Konami Sound Module Hybrid Repros

    I remember the sound to be corrupted. I could still somewhat make out the music etc. I think it sounded more like an analog problem, so hopefully it's the amp. Not sure if some sfx were missing, it has been a year and I currently have no access to the PCB.
  15. pulstarx

    PLEASE VOTE!!!: Konami Sound Module Hybrid Repros

    How do I know if my ASIC is okay? I replaced the caps but the sound is still distorted.
  16. pulstarx

    FS TRADED AWAY: Non-working Airframe with working Skycurser

    Have you tried to replace the motherboard? It seems to be only 70 bucks It's other off-shelf parts are even cheaper.
  17. pulstarx


    Please have it off by default and don't waste loading time on loading the music if it's turned off.
  18. pulstarx

    Konami 054986A chip by Caius

    So you did a complete replacement including the custom(?) DAC and op-amp? That would be a first and extremly helpful.
  19. pulstarx

    Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

    My guess it that for the reset signal one soldered cable will be necessary (like CPS2). It's optional though.