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  1. JunitoNo1

    Taito Type X 3 (TTX3) Owners Thread - Pics/Info/Stuff

    Got it back up. Somehow the BIOS settings were reverted to default. Had to just disable security mode again.
  2. JunitoNo1

    Taito Type X 3 (TTX3) Owners Thread - Pics/Info/Stuff

    So, randomly out of no where, my TTX3 is stuck on the splash screen during booting. I reflashed my SSD with the Atrax multi again, but still no success, still stuck at the splash screen. Never experienced anything like this. Nothing has changed in the setup. Anyone got any direction for me?
  3. JunitoNo1

    SOLD 2x Pink Repro Mini Cutes in Crate *SOLD

    Got any photos? Do the repros come with the decal art or are they bare?
  4. JunitoNo1

    FOUND Egret 29 for 2000+ USD

    Show us!!!
  5. JunitoNo1

    Sega Aero & Goldfish Catcher ATM

    Damn, making me want to get another cab! Awesome restore so far!!!
  6. JunitoNo1

    FOUND Egret 29 for 2000+ USD

    An E29 is a future cab for me, are they really that much? 😬
  7. JunitoNo1

    FS Game Saru cab imports - NO specialty requests until 2026 (updated 2/6/2024)

    Loving the G-BALANCE, so far. Trying to convince the wife that a Sound Voltex would be great for the closed patio.
  8. JunitoNo1

    FS Random NNC parts + GPU's LOT SALE

    Just looking to clear some space. Take the whole lot for $110 + shipping or can do local pickup in the Metro Detroit area. Any questions, please reach out. Original Toshiba PF D29C051 remote board Sega sound amp, faulty right channel. Repairable? Original NNC shielded speakers Sanwa...
  9. JunitoNo1

    Upcoming G-Balance Owner: Have some questions to prepare

    I've seen 3d printable mounts for the brooks board all over the place. You can likely find one on Buttercade etsy shop. Boards to the mount, mount under the CP (I'd use 2 sided foam tape), and then lead all the lines down to the TTX4.
  10. JunitoNo1

    Type X3 video card and CPU upgrade

    So, using the MOBO BIOS update, the card dropped right in and booted up. Looks like everythings working 💪 Do I need to download more drivers? Or are the current ones sufficient for this card?
  11. JunitoNo1

    Type X3 video card and CPU upgrade

    I've got this 1050ti laying around that im gonna attempt swapping in. Tekken 7 doesnt look so hot on a GTX 660.
  12. JunitoNo1

    Taito Type X 3 (TTX3) Owners Thread - Pics/Info/Stuff

    Yea, that sounds like a plan. I wish there was more info on the G-BALANCE online. Had to reach out to a guy that owns several to get suggestions.
  13. JunitoNo1

    Taito Type X 3 (TTX3) Owners Thread - Pics/Info/Stuff

    Gosh darn it. I was hoping to avoid more purchase, but oh well. Anything else necessary? Does my current set up look like it'll be plug and play?
  14. JunitoNo1

    Taito Type X 3 (TTX3) Owners Thread - Pics/Info/Stuff

    Yes, sir. This was a new multi image I flashed, so that was the first thing I did. To note, this img did work in my new net city, which has a sega jvs io.
  15. JunitoNo1

    Taito Type X 3 (TTX3) Owners Thread - Pics/Info/Stuff

    Got my TTX3 with the artax multi stuffed into my newly acquired G-BALANCE. So I'm going to assume, the multi is picky with what IO it's connected to, right? I have the stock G-BALANCE IO. I figure changing it to a Taito would resolve the problem, but I don't know what additional modifications...
  16. JunitoNo1

    SOLD Toshiba PB9929 chassis

    For sale. $350+ shipping. Local pickup for Metro Detroit area also welcome. PB9929 chassis. A spare working chassis that I have no need for, atm. Comes with standard remote board, but MISSING the remote board cable, itself. I did make a janky replacement cable, myself. It works, but its not...
  17. JunitoNo1

    Toshiba PF picture centering

    Yea, told me they swapped in a spare for the MCU, and the resistors that were changed were RA11-RA15, possibly some more besides those. You can change settings, but are those changes not saved between power cycles?
  18. JunitoNo1

    Toshiba PF picture centering

    Crazy update! After a solid year from the last posting, I just got a call from Sharp Image Repair in Vegas notifying me that my chassis has been repaired and is ready to ship back to me. After 11 months of being lost, the package somehow found its way back into transit and landed on SIR...