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  1. Harineto

    Interest Check: Pre-made upgraded 161-in-1 multicarts - All spots filled - 2025 UPDATE

    This is the Cart I have from many moons a go. Would this be a good candidate for the mod?
  2. Harineto

    How old is your CPS2 battery?

  3. Harineto

    How old is your CPS2 battery?

    Just installed OpenKey on my new CPS2 Marvel Super Heroes Vs SF Euro Board. :love:8) 93-09
  4. Harineto

    Positive feedback for djsheep

    Amazing seller. Highly recommend!
  5. Harineto

    Axun Workshop - Supergun-MINI

    Happy to report been a proud owner of the Supergun-mini + Axun Work PSU. Just wondering what transcoder does the Supergun-mini use to convert RGB to Component?
  6. Harineto

    Viewlix OLED recommendations

    The best option is the 32" LG OLED since it has the lowest input lag with 60Hz source: ^ Good to bookmark.
  7. Harineto

    MVS 240p Test Suite DIY (homemade)

    This is amazing. Truly one of the best test suites out.
  8. Harineto

    Super Low Noise Fan Option For CPS2 (Noctua NF-A6x15)

    I own a MiSTer as well. It's really nice when hooked up to a CRT. FPGA's are so so much better than Emulation. I highly recommend it even if you want to play Arcade, N64, PSX, Saturn, etc. :)
  9. Harineto

    Super Low Noise Fan Option For CPS2 (Noctua NF-A6x15)

    Mod complete in new CPS2 board I got. Which is in mint condition. Also, cleaned everything. I unpinned the Noctua and unpinned the default fan and re-used the housing works perfectly. ❤️
  10. Harineto

    Super Low Noise Fan Option For CPS2 (Noctua NF-A6x15)

    Just was looking for very low noise fan replacement for my PS2 and CPS2 and what do you know Noctua released the perfect fan for CPS2: Airflow is 23.4 m³/h (13.77CFM) Acoustical noise 19,8 dB(A) The current replacement fan I have in CPS2 is a Sunon...
  11. Harineto

    How many Watts does CPS2 use when running?

    Yup, this was under load measuring at the wall with Watt Meter. At the wall the MV1AX was using only MAX 14Watts. I have one of the 163-1 Ver 3 Carts.
  12. Harineto

    How many Watts does CPS2 use when running?

    Got it setup. CPS2 with Darksoft uses around 35Watts (Playing Alpha 2). MVS 1 slot uses 14 Watts (Playing Garou) =O
  13. Harineto

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Stress Testing CPS3. :love:
  14. Harineto

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    AUX Supergun-mini arrived first thing I tested was my MVS and happy to say it works...have not turned it on in 15 years or so. 😱
  15. Harineto

    Australian Roll Call / Registry / Deals Thread

    Got my CPS2 back after @xodaraP worked on it. And, I can't speak highly enough of how he went above and beyond to make sure I had working kit with Darksoft etc. Awesome work! 😄
  16. Harineto

    CPS2 Sound Issue - All sounds are running too fast

    Well done @xodaraP thank you for all your help!!!
  17. Harineto

    replacing scsi cd-rom drive with scsi sd card adapter?

    Ordered a ZuluSCSI anyone got amazon link to SD Card that would work well with it? Thank you.
  18. Harineto

    Any guides for MV1AX Mods? (Stereo, Battery)

    Thanks I'll look around see what I can sort out.
  19. Harineto

    How many Watts does CPS2 use when running?

    Thank you @nem I will be using the Supergun-mini with this PSU should it be ok for CPS2 and 3?
  20. Harineto

    Axun Workshop - Supergun-MINI

    Thank you @Scarletspeedstr one more question would you happen to know the pinout for kick CPS2 harness on Supergun-mini side?