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  1. hatmoose

    CPS2 questions

    Exactly that yes. USA and JPN (green and blue) are interchangeable. Asia (grey) only works with Asian A board. If the stickers have fallen off the volume and test buttons will also be the region colour. Same also applies to South American (orange) boards. With enough time and patience it would...
  2. hatmoose

    Build your own Furrtek NeoGeo Fusion MVS to AES adapter - how to program .jed to CPLD?

    All the bits arrived - probably not going to win any prizes for cable craftsmanship on this one This threw up a lot of errors, but it does seem to work on OSX brew install open-ocd then download .um232h.cfg openocd -f ./um232h.cfg -c "adapter speed 400" -c "transport select jtag" -c init -c...
  3. hatmoose

    3D printed adapter plate - BlueSCSI(v1) into standard CPS3 CDROM drive bracket

    This one came up in conversation with a cool forum member the other day, fun and useful idea to model, thank you! This is designed to drop into the existing CDROM bracket on some CPS3 setups and will hold BlueSCSI V1 (or anything else with the same mounting holes). STLs are in the...
  4. hatmoose

    CPS2 PAL (BGSA5)

    I'm not sure that I've fully understood the question - sorry If Im telling you stuff you already know. Good background here PAL and GAL are in my mind like mask rom and EPROM (I think in real life its...
  5. hatmoose

    Information About Candy Cab Wire Gauge

    Nice! Have never seen a breakdown like this all in one place, interest to see different electrical engineering approaches to similar requirements. SNK loved that thicc chonky wire aye?
  6. hatmoose

    Street Fighter II Anniversary Edition

    I did not know about this bug! All this time I thought I was just getting stale and old (“I remember this being easier”) But actually I was bring trolled by game devs from 20 years ago. Well played Capcom, well played!
  7. hatmoose

    Would you love assemble your new NeoGeo AES motherboard ?

    There are a few chips that are worth keeping an eye out for suitable donors NEO-B1 is the big QFP custom - no viable alternative LSPC2 is the other big custom - no viable alternative for this one either U19 and U20 (video ram) is very hard to get - can sometimes find on old PC mobos 68k and z80...
  8. hatmoose

    Would you love assemble your new NeoGeo AES motherboard ?

    Inching closer. Next time I make one (which will be never) I would use the cart as a jig to align the cart slots before soldering - as it is it does fit, but ever so slightly tighter than my real AES. Now pretty much complete except the power section - will be 5v for this version. For L1 and...
  9. hatmoose

    Hello from New Zealand

    Hello fellow kiwi and welcome. For fixing all the broken stuff you’ve come to the right place.
  10. hatmoose

    CPS1 & CPS2 Supergun Project

    Nice! Looking amazing and that Sega stick is awesome, best stick on the market IMO. When I was making CPS2 kick harness I found this super useful And for CPS1,_CPS2_%26_CPS3_Connectors#CPS1 Great project, thankyou for...
  11. hatmoose

    SOLD BlueSCSI v1.1 CPS3 Special Edition $US50 + $US15 shipping from New Zealand (all sold)

    All messages answered! 11 = sold 0 = available All gone for this batch. Hopefully more in the future!
  12. hatmoose

    SOLD BlueSCSI v1.1 CPS3 Special Edition $US50 + $US15 shipping from New Zealand (all sold)

    All messages responded to. 7 = spoken for 4 = still available
  13. hatmoose

    SOLD BlueSCSI v1.1 CPS3 Special Edition $US50 + $US15 shipping from New Zealand (all sold)

    Last batch sold out, 11 more ready for sale, same terms as before $US50 + $US15 shipping = $US65 each can combine shipping if you want more than one You will get BlueSCSI V1.1 CPS3 Special Edition Micro SD card that I will set up and test for your config BlueSCSI to SD2SCSI custom mounting...
  14. hatmoose

    Arcade test rig completed

    This is an amazing project, thank you very much for sharing and for this inspiration. Absolutely loving the electrical engineering that has gone into this, every connection crimped with connectors, every component can be disconnected individually - custom PCB to terminate all the connections -...
  15. hatmoose

    Better molded than printed - what sort of plastic parts are we missing in this hobby?

    Vacuuming forming machines always looked huge and expensive and awesome, but I’ve no idea what they are actually for. Is there a particular kind of object that they make really well?
  16. hatmoose

    How low does the battery on a cps3 cart have til death?

    Depending on your location, this thread has all the info. @Mitsurugi-w has been doing this for 10+ years, with zillions of satisfied CPS3 customers.
  17. hatmoose

    howdy, from the USA.

    Welcome! As a fellow Saturn collector I’m loving that collection :-) absolute gold you have in there CPS2 is the next logical step, if anything in this hobby is logical :-) many of the later CPS2 titles were never released on USA Saturn, but the ones that were SFA, MSH, Vampire, are awesome...
  18. hatmoose

    Golden Axe Port - Dev log

    Alien Storm was absolutely amazing, so many brilliant ideas, all executed well. A brawler and a railshooter and a run-n-gun combined. Sega had a tonne of dev talent for sure. Trashing the convenience store with plasma-guns… pure brilliance!
  19. hatmoose

    DARKSOFT CPS III Bios and CD Releases

    I’m thinking this helper PCB may have been entirely superseded by the OSCR and the CPS3 adapter. Feels like a much simpler solution. I’m going to assemble the OSCR CPS3 adapter and test it to see if it works as intended.