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  1. Stokers

    FS FS: Arcade posters, and Art

    Nice. That Powered Gear poster has caught my eye...
  2. Stokers

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    Yeah. This is for home use only, also i'm not going to be playing VF3 for more than an hour A Naomi PSU like this?
  3. Stokers

    Vewlix rear fan replacement

    Sorry for nercoing this thread, but did these adapters for Nocta fans ever get made??
  4. Stokers

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    Care to elaborate? Seems like quite a few people across different forums use ATX psu's and it's ok..
  5. Stokers

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    You can see the C14 connection here actually. Looks like they go to ground on the jamma edge, not sure what you mean by connected backwards? CN14
  6. Stokers


    Nice! @fuzzbuddy if you have any free stuff you want to send me please go ahead.
  7. Stokers

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    It hasn't arrived yet, still in the post - I will check when it gets here :) Sounds like it should be ok I hope, can I get mono audio out of my Astro?
  8. Stokers

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    Thanks for the info!
  9. Stokers

    How to power a Sega Model 3 board?

    Picking up an old thread here.. I just won an auction for a Japanese Virtua Fighter 3tb. It comes with a jamma adapter and another power board which I assume might be for the 3.3V: My Astro City cab has a Nanao MS9-29 that will support 24khz, but only has the low power psu (400-51980-01X)...
  10. Stokers

    WTB Sega model 3 cage

    Looking for a Sega Model 3 cage for my Virtua Fighter 3tb board. I will only deal on AP, no external emails to random people so please don't bother.
  11. Stokers

    Home Arcade System

  12. Stokers

    SOLD Revenge of Death Adder pcb

    Wait. Does it have sound or not?
  13. Stokers

    SOLD Naomi 1 Motherboard + Capcom I/O and Games

    Having a bit of a clear out, the Naomi is a great system but I haven't used this much. - Very nice condition Naomi 1 fully working - Capcom I/O with power and sound cables - Capcom vs SNK + original artset and manual - Spawn + repro full artset and manual - Virtua Tennis I'd like to sell this...
  14. Stokers

    SOLD Final Fight CPS1 US/World Version

    Hi, sorry Final Fight has now sold.
  15. Stokers

    Vewlix Diamond JAMMA Build (how unoriginal)

    I'm a bit late here, but could you expand a bit on how you set this up? A single Diamond orange that I could use to run my Jamma board would be ideal.
  16. Stokers

    SOLD Final Fight CPS1 US/World Version

    Bump. Still available, possibly open to trades..
  17. Stokers

    FS F/A,others added

    Still watching 👀
  18. Stokers

    FS [FS] Pristine Sega Blast City - Ultimate Collector’s Grail - $15,000

    You know your way around the blast, that would be a good one considering some of the problematic chassis, convergence issues, model 3 or Jamma wiring etc.
  19. Stokers

    FS [FS] Pristine Sega Blast City - Ultimate Collector’s Grail - $15,000

    Ha, it’s good stuff. The vewlix buying guide was handy when I got mine. I knew I had seen this cab somewhere though, I think you were networking 2 Blasts together for CVS2 👍