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  1. R

    Regarding SIMM Check NG Status

    Clean the slots and SIMM 7 is back in action ! I am running the superbios as well I guess that's why SIMM 1 shows up as bad. Thanks for the help everyone!
  2. R

    Regarding SIMM Check NG Status

    Thanks for the suggestions! I will give it a try later on in the day !
  3. R

    Product and service Delay Due to Personal Issues

    My condolences. Please take care.
  4. R

    Regarding SIMM Check NG Status

    Hi all, I just gotten the SCSI2SD earlier this week and managed to get it up and running. So as I was testing it out a bit on Street Fighter 3 : Third Strike. I noticed that there were some graphical glitches on a couple of stage. Puzzled, I went to do a SIMM Check and the result was that SIMM...
  5. R

    Preorder interest check

    I am interested for 1 x MVS as well !
  6. R

    Broken Pins - CPS2 Multikit -solutions ?

    Sorted out ! I did the wiring as suggested and got the board working ! Thanks everyone !
  7. R

    Broken Pins - CPS2 Multikit -solutions ?

    Yes that's an idea. It's easier then doing the pins albeit a little messier ! I will consider the options! Thanks !
  8. R

    Broken Pins - CPS2 Multikit -solutions ?

    Ooh sure I will have a look ! Thanks!
  9. R

    Broken Pins - CPS2 Multikit -solutions ?

    Hi all! Just received my CPS2 Multikit today but I screwed up my installation and broke 3 pins while trying to get them seated in.. What should I do ? Solder them back ? Thanks!
  10. R

    Hi Everyone !

    Retro gamer here from South East Asia ! Just recently gotten myself into the world of Arcade stuff ! Running MVS and CPS2 off a Japanese Supergun. Definitely gotten into the game late as there used to be so much more stuff around where I live.. But as they say, Better late than never :P Cheers!