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  • Users: stj
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  1. stj

    Seimitsu LS30 Rotary Joystick/Spinner: Teardown / Refurb / Rebuild / Maintenance Thread

    yes, they have a vivid imagination with those prices! i'm tempted to work out how to make some using LS32 as a starting platform! i think you only need to create a double-layer shaft and a switch-mount then you could make them not only with the 12way, but also rotary encoders, pots and even...
  2. stj

    Mutant Fighter GAL16V8 jedec files

    there are several versions of "PAL2GAL" just so you know. and last time i tested them, they only worked in dos. although thats fine because you can get a freedos livedisk on a usb stick :)
  3. stj

    Naomi filter board JVS connector replacement?

    thats ebay for you, i use AliExpress. :)
  4. stj

    Naomi filter board JVS connector replacement?

    all from china, just some have a middle-man! :D
  5. stj

    Naomi filter board JVS connector replacement?

    well flip that filter board over and see where the 4 tabs are - it may have a 5th at the front too - but you dont need 5 these are cheaper btw
  6. stj

    Naomi filter board JVS connector replacement?

    it's the same as the double sockets on pc motherboards - nothing special just check where the mounting tabs are on the replacement incase they are different
  7. stj

    NAOMI 2/Chihiro/Triforce Card Reader Emulator (Initial D3/WMMT/Mario Kart/F-ZERO AX)

    dont use Pi4, they have heat issues
  8. stj

    Naomi Cartridge Buffer Chips

    we could start a thread about component testers, i upgrade them with faster crystals, better reference chips, sometimes bigger microcontrollers etc. and i compile customised firmware for them. :) if you use a 20MHz crystal you can test crystals & resonators upto atleast 10MHz :) also you can...
  9. stj

    Naomi Cartridge Buffer Chips

    let it go, he probably just resold stuff from the shenzen market anyway.
  10. stj

    Seimitsu LS30 Rotary Joystick/Spinner: Teardown / Refurb / Rebuild / Maintenance Thread

    i'll ask re-emptivly, does anybody make replacement shafts?
  11. stj

    Picture tremble

    just taking the chassis out and looking for cracks and rings on the soldering with a good light start with anything heavy or mounted to a heatsink
  12. stj

    Picture tremble

    caps usually get better as they warm up, your problem could be bad solder joints made worse by thermal expansion
  13. stj

    Sega Naomi Universal Stand Up/Sit Down Reclamation Thread

    the burned part on the i/o is a ceramic filter, just remove it and bridge the 2 ends with a jumper. the reason the "brass" got hot when you drilled it is because it's GALVANISED STEEL!!! :D
  14. stj

    Sync issues on Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Boot

    one thing i can say about SNK boards, they output much higher levels than other boards. they can even overload some arcade monitors like the G07 maybe try dropping the voltage of the sync output with a couple of resistors
  15. stj

    Sync issues on Cadillacs & Dinosaurs Boot

    the monitor cabling should *always* have video ground, so should jamma connectors - it's to minimise noise/interference on the image.
  16. stj

    MVS bootleg roms change?

    it's probably very close to the original the original uses PROGBK1 & CHA256 i can see similarity's board2 is pretty much identical board1 looks like they just used double-size roms
  17. stj

    U4 modifications

    as long as you dont break the tube - anything can be fixed. :) good news is NEC do have schematics available.
  18. stj

    [Repair Log] Sega Naomi

    silly question! dump *everything* :)
  19. stj

    U4 modifications

    interesting, normally the hirizontal yoke drives/is driven by the HT.
  20. stj

    [Repair Log] Sega Naomi

    standard scsi cable, any bios should work with a gdrom. not sure about if your using CF cards though.