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  1. MagicianLord77

    Naomi 1 early revision board - Doesn't boot, black screen

    I plan to replace all rams with new ones, just haven't been able to do it yet. I've purchased these, hopefully they are the right fit: GPU: IS42S16100H (512K Words x 16 Bits x 2 Banks) (16-MBIT) - confirmed as good for graphics ram CPU: IS42S16400J (1 Meg Bits x 16 Bits x 4 Banks) (64-MBIT) -...
  2. MagicianLord77

    Rotate Vertical Game

    I just got a Tecmo Gemini Wing and it was displaying upside down in my cabinet, couldn't find it in your document to see if it allows flipping (later I found it doesn't), ended up plugging the yoke into the other connector that displays the flipped image. Here's info about the game if you'd...
  3. MagicianLord77

    Golden Axe Issues

    Yes. I would also check the uPC324C (LM324) and uPC804 (TL084) opamps if sound does not come back, probably a good one could be piggybacked on top of the suspected one
  4. MagicianLord77

    Can I convert System Multi 32 --> Regular System 32 game?

    I don't think it could be possible, since their sound hardware is quite different, and the System 32 Multi does not even use its single YM3438 for sound, only uses it for timing So basically the System 32 uses FM (6 channel) + FM (6 channel) + PCM sound chips while the Multi 32 uses a just a...
  5. MagicianLord77

    Sega System 32 Multi Outrunners - very weird sound issue, hanging notes?

    Hi there, I'm facing a very weird (compared to others I've seen) sound issue with my Outrunners board, sound pretty much works but the music tracks get more and more crowded with notes that do not stop, it's like they're all sustained. When going out of the sound test menu whatever last note was...
  6. MagicianLord77

    Couple of chassis replacement questions: for dual focus tube?, for 35in tube (Sauroid)?, for TV tube?,..

    Thank you for your time to reply the questions!. About the Sauroid, I got it from an arcade cabinets lot that was stored for many years in not an ideal environment (humid sometimes, rust), I'm sure the Sauroid and the rest of the lot was imported into the country 25+ years ago. Got the pedestal...
  7. MagicianLord77

    Couple of chassis replacement questions: for dual focus tube?, for 35in tube (Sauroid)?, for TV tube?,..

    Hi guys, I find myself in a situation where I'm missing monitor parts to complete some cabinets and bring them back to good working order. Matching of these parts is a bit of a new topic for me so I have this couple of questions: Konami Sauroid I've got this behemoth cabinet that I would love...
  8. MagicianLord77

    Naomi 2 repair log

    Nice. What tools did you use for taking it off? and how do you plan to do the reballing? I might be in the same situation but not sure how to do it so I'm watching closely
  9. MagicianLord77

    Lindbergh Emulator

    I'll try it as soon as it comes out - my hardware is ready! 8o
  10. MagicianLord77

    Lindbergh Emulator

    Hi @bobbydilley, I am trying to get Virtua Tennis 3 to run but can't get past this "wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32" error. Tried with Ubuntu 20.04 and 22.04, same issue. Also with freshly built lindbergh loader or release binaries. And with and without these variables
  11. MagicianLord77

    Hantarex Polo 25 dim picture - Low heater voltage? [fixed]

    Oh I get it now, thanks for shedding light on the topic!. My multimeter is not even RMS so I went with the scope, measured between pins 9 and 10 of the CRT socket: I see the 15Khz frequency, and a RMS reading of around 3.5v, so, time to swap resistors with confidence. There it is, the green...
  12. MagicianLord77

    Hantarex Polo 25 dim picture - Low heater voltage? [fixed]

    Hi guys, I have recently reflowed/fixed cracks/recapped the Hantarex Polo 25 chassis of my Revolution X machine, so I could try powering it on for the first time after who knows how long. Monitor works, but after trying to calibrate it as best as possible I can't reach a bright lively picture...
  13. MagicianLord77

    Naomi 1 early revision board - Doesn't boot, black screen

    Hi guys, I find myself with this Sega Naomi board that has let me down. It's my first and only Naomi board, I know it used to work, then was stored at a not very dry place for around 2 years, then came to my hands to seem to perfectly work for a couple of hours then hang in game - screen froze...
  14. MagicianLord77

    (Raw Thrills) Target: Terror - Sorting through this mess of a hardware

    Hi, found the EC34 capacitor value at the motherboard service manual, page 21: C10U16EL, I would decode that as as a 10 uF 16V cap Also got an almost discernible image of it, from a MSI MS-7142 photo, has a similar VIA VT1617A audio section
  15. MagicianLord77

    Wonder Boy in Monster Land

    Here are Sega Star Jacker schematics that I've seen others use to repair Wonderboy: About the 74LS157s, the usual thing to check is for stuck/nc outputs (pins 4, 7, 9, 12): If you...
  16. MagicianLord77

    Wonder Boy in Monster Land

    Hi, those RAMs you replaced might be work rams, if you turn on the game w/o them, does it boot up?. If those ROMs are good, and you're sure they're related to the failing sprites, with a multimeter you could check what's the destination of their data lines, they could go to a failing logic IC...
  17. MagicianLord77

    Mortal Kombat 4 - No Sound - Error 0A SRAM Failure fix

    Hi all, got a MK4 board that reports "Error 0A - Sound System Error - SRAM Failure" on boot, after that it plays fine, without sound. When it displayed that message it did bong a few times, so that would at least mean the DAC and AMP would be ok. Began by verifying the sound roms with a XGecu...
  18. MagicianLord77

    WTB Mortal Kombat 2 main pcb only, or Mortal Kombat 1 T-Unit

    Hi there, I'm looking for just a Mortal Kombat 2 main pcb in good working condition, I already have a working sound board (my main pcb is not working good). It could be either a MK2 or MK1 (T-Unit). Shipping to US. Thanks!
  19. MagicianLord77

    Gunforce conversion to Gunforce II (IREM M92)

    @wickerwaka Thank you for sharing your research. It inspired me to go try convert my Gunforce into In The Hunt. Desoldered 9 32 pin roms, installed sockets in their places Programmed the ITH rom set + decrypted sound rom + M92_B-7H-D GAL Set up jumpers accordingly Success!
  20. MagicianLord77

    Namco System 11 Schematics

    I was googling for schematics for a Tekken 2 (System 11) motherboard I have with issues and your post just showed up, for me this document makes the difference between being able to continue troubleshooting the board and hopefully finding the issue or throwing it into the parts bin for maybe...