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  1. D

    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Here is the firmware (top) and menu (bottom) files - they were downloaded from the first page of this thread. the firmware files were put in the /update the menu files were put in /update/menu Let me know if there is anything else you'd like me to try.
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    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    I looked around the house, simply do not own microsd cards smaller than 32gb. I was even opening up old samsung phones that still had microSDs on them. I am ultra careful about purchasing from reliable 1st party in retail packing.... I never buy "bulk" packaging, never from 3rd...
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    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Here are all the cards Ive been testing. They are all 32gb (which falls below the SDXC standard)
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    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Please let me know if there is anything further you'd like me to try or more information you need from me.
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    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Ok Windows PC I am using the Tuxera" SD card formatter - the one on the Association website. - properties of the SD card - showing the file system - Root of the SD cards - this is immediately after updating the firmware, then following update of the menu. The updates were...
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    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Ok also tried the 5V 8A power supply - ordered from digikey and shown below. Did not help - went straight to cross hatch.
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    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Ok I purchased a new power supply - picture of the attached model below, it is from Digikey - 5V 6A. Made zero difference. I redownloaded the Multipack, firmware and menu firmware. Formatted SD cards - started all over again. Ultimately after all the permutations of troubleshooting -...
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    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    This is the power supply that came with the CMVS Ultra. I do not have a way to try another MVS. Edit: Darksoft - Any thoughts/recommendations on Power supply? Would you want me to try something with higher amps? Happy to get something ordered - just needing some guidance on what you feel is...
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    DARKSOFT Darksoft's MultiMVS Latest Firmware, Menu and Instructions

    Needing some help with troubleshooting. My system: BeharBros CMVS ultra - connected via SCART (retroaccess cable) to a Retrotink 5x - to HDMI to TV. First thing I did was take authentic Art of Fighting 2 Cart to check the system. Runs perfect. System confirmed working. 1. Loaded up the...