Search results

  1. doozer

    Outrun2 SDX Ranking Board

    Hi All. I'm working on a side project attempting to replicate the Outrun 2 SP SDX ranking board displayed at the top of the 4 car moving platform version of Outrun. See the attached image. Mostly, I hope to show which one of my Outrun2 SP (non SDX) cabinets is the current race leader (I'm...
  2. doozer

    Ringwide Power

    Anyone got a part number and/or link to purchase the female plug required to provide power to a Sega Ringwide?
  3. doozer

    Ikari Warriors LS-30 Alternative?

    Hi All, I recently purchased an original SNK Ikari Warriors PCB. Did not think about how I would control it at the time. As you probably know, it requires a special joystick known as the LS-30. This allows for movement and rotation. A search of the Internet tells me the LS-30 is hard to...
  4. doozer

    WTB Namco STR4

    Looking for a Namco STR4 drive board. Ideally in Australia, but happy to look elsewhere.
  5. doozer

    WTB Lindbergh DVP-0015 OUTRUN 2 SP DVD

    Looking for the older DVP-0015 DVD...
  6. doozer

    ES1 Dead Heat

    Hi All, Trying to get Dead Heat up and running on an ES1 PC. I have written the game image to an SSD and booted the ES1. It says its sealing and after a few mins it attempts to boot. However, I then get an error screen (see attached photo) saying that the X server failed to start. I...
  7. doozer

    Ringedge Keychips

    I'm looking for a few Ringedge keychips, if you have any please reach out. Happy to purchase, borrow, trade etc. Star Horse 3 Season IV - SDCE Thanks! EDIT: Removed found keys.
  8. doozer

    Galaga PCB ID

    Hi All, Took a gamble on a very clean Galaga PCB. The seller believes its an original, but I'm not so sure. Can anyone tell me if this is original, or which bootleg it might be? Thanks.
  9. doozer

    CRT degausing coil attachment

    I have an Operation Thunderbolt cabinet that came with a dead monitor. As luck would have it, I had an old Loewe Calida 5072 4:3 72cm TV in the shed. After removing the plastic shell it was an almost perfect fit for the cabinet. The only issue is that Thunderbolt mounts the TV horizontally...
  10. doozer

    Virtua Tennis 4

    Anyone got a Virtua Tennis 4 keychip [SBWX] that they would be willing to sell/loan/donate?
  11. doozer

    Pharoahs Treasure

    Hi, I've just purchased a Pharoahs Treasure coin pusher. The unit powers on, but displays "HLP 001" on one side and "033 Err" on another. I've found the service manual here...
  12. doozer

    WTB Lindbergh Blue CF

    I'm looking for a Lindbergh Blue CF card. These are 512MB (rather than the 128MB Lindbergh Yellow ones). Anyone got one? I guess I would be interested in an entire blue system if it included the card. Edit: Card number is MDA-C0031.
  13. doozer

    FS FT: Lindbergh DVDs

    I have a couple of extra Lindbergh game disks. If you want one, let me know which Lindbergh disks(s) you have to trade. 1x DVP-0019D Inital D Arcade Stage 4 2x DVP-0008A Virtua Fighter 5 1x DVP-0070A Initial D Arcade Stage 5 Yeah... somehow I ended up with 3 copies of VF5. Edit: Added ID5
  14. doozer

    3x5" Speaker Replacement

    Anyone got a lead on replacement speakers for an Outrun 2 SP cabinet? Pretty sure most of the Sega cabs from the same era use the same speakers (Initial D etc). The original model number is 12D140J. They are 3" x 5" 8 ohm, and from what I've read, rated at 20W. I've found plenty of TV style...
  15. doozer

    Sega connector

    Anyone know a part number and supplier that sells the female plugs to suit the ones in white on the pcb below?
  16. doozer

    WTB Lindbergh 7800gs video card v5.71

    Looking for a (working) Lindbergh 7800gs video card running bios 5.71 I need it for... experimenting
  17. doozer

    Connector part numbers

    Anyone know the part number(s) of the female plugs that connect to CN7 and CN8 in this photo? I've got plenty that fit, but none of them prevent accidental reverse insertion, and there was... an incident ;(
  18. doozer

    Which battery?

    My Lindbergh keeps forgetting game settings, but remembers the network settings. Does this imply the problem is the motherboard battery or the JVS card one?
  19. doozer

    FS [FT] Lindbergh Virtua Fighter 5 DVD

    I've got a couple of extra Virtua Fighter 5 install disks (DVP-0008A). Anyone interested in trading for other Lindbergh (or even RE2/Nu/ALLS) disks?
  20. doozer

    WTB Lindbergh 7800GS v5.71 BIOS

    Hey All, I’m looking for a known working 7800gs video card running bios version 5.71 Its sometimes referred to as a 7900gs. Thanks!