Search results

  1. UrnHurrell

    FS B/TF Tekken 7 full cabinet

    I have a lot to trade for a Tekken 7 cabinet, however I'd definitely buy it too. I'll even try to trade enough or cover freight shipping from wherever. Tekken 7 is one of my dream machines. Thanks! I made a separate trade post a few weeks ago, but aside from Neo Geo stuff and video game vinyls...
  2. UrnHurrell

    FS WTT Neo Geo AES stuff and some video game related vinyl records and more

    I'm typing this in the middle of the night, but will include pictures at interest. For now, I'll list what I have to trade and the sorts of things I'm looking for. FOR TRADE: Neo Geo AES Stuff: Neo Geo AES System w/ Arcade Stick Controller, Playstation 1/2 Controller Converter, Controller...
  3. UrnHurrell

    Trouble extracting fud-hdd0-a.chd to SSD or HDD

    I'm trying to do this with either a 500GB HDD or an 80GB SSD - both SATA with an IDE converter Both are my Drive 1 (because I just swap between the two, thanks to a lack of room in my PC haha So, my problem is extracting the game through chdman to my "drive 1" my cmd line is C:\(My chdman and...
  4. UrnHurrell

    Hello, from East TN

    I recently joined this sight to get more information on my newly acquired Namco System 256. I stumbled upon the Universal Dongle - which is an amazing item, whether I decide to pursue more 2x6 games from this point or not. Thanks again, brizzo - and found a really awesome community that seems to...
  5. UrnHurrell

    WTB System 369 with any Tekken

    Looking to buy a running 369 with any Tekken game for the system. Thanks!