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  1. Atari

    New version of WinROMIdent released!

    A new version of WinROMIdent has been in development and it features many good things and enhancements compared to the old version or the original DOS version. It works with older OSes like Windows 98 SE, reads the latest MAME databases and is very quick and easy to work with - highly...
  2. Atari

    Dump of GAL (SR2)

    Anybody has a dump of the GAL chip used on these? I think the part number is 315-6090A of the chip and the type of board it's used on is 837-13022. The chip is faulty (if swapped with a chip from a working board the program runs properly). Thanks!
  3. Atari

    FS KONAMI Salamander

    Original and working (and tested) KONAMI Salamander PCB in really nice cosmetic condition. Can't see any signs of repairs on the PCBs and original ROMs are installed. €750
  4. Atari

    WTB DECO Cassette System

    Anybody who has a working set of DECO Cassette System boards? Preferably the "old type". Have PLENTY of trades.
  5. Atari

    New games

    I haven't been using my cartridge since I bought it 2+ years ago because I have been waiting for some titles like Decathlete. Has all games been released for the cartridge now or are there still titles left? What needs to be done to add them to the cartridge (more than copying the images on to...
  6. Atari

    SEGA Mega-Tech

    Although I already suggested this to Darksoft some time ago (and he wasn't exactly "thrilled" about it) I still think it's quite a cool platform and has some decent and well-known titles.
  7. Atari

    Atari has arrived!

    Heya! I'm a arcade and pinball collector and have been in this hobby for approximately 20+ years. Hope to see you on the forums! ;)