Search results

  1. TerryBogard

    Japanese Sega Lindbergh Power supply Alternative.

    Hi everyone. I’m looking for a more modern power supply for my Japanese Sega Lindbergh. The power supply I am using works but it is super loud and it revs up and down as if it was on its last breaths. I searched online but I couldn’t find any alternative that had the same ports. Please take a...
  2. TerryBogard

    Vewlix Diamond Black/Orange Control Panel Backlighting Mod

    Hey guys! I was wondering, has anyone managed to mod their Vewlix Diamond Black/Orange cab so that the move list tray can hold some sort of led as a backlight? I have a Diamond black cab and there is only a very shallow metal tray to add the movelist paper but no space to add an led light...
  3. TerryBogard

    SEGA Lindbergh Mysterious Space for Sticker

    Hey guys! I have been wondering for years what kind of sticker you place on the silver rectangular surface below the coin slot on the Sega Lindbergh. Here is a pic below. I bought an authentic Virtua Fighter 5 instruction sticker but it’s too long. It just doesn’t fit in that space! Does anyone...
  4. TerryBogard

    First bump from Tokyo.

    Hi everyone! I am a proud owner of a Vewlix Diamond Black and Sega Lindbergh. I’ve been in this hobby for 7 years now. I also have a YouTube channel that is super small with maybe a couple of interesting videos (in English and Japanese, zero monetization)...