4 slot

  1. robbiederhase

    Games crashing when pressing select game button

    Howdy, everyone. Was hoping somebody might have some insight for an issue I do not see being discussed... basically anywhere.. So I have an MVH 4 (the kind with the mesh shielding, not the solid metal plate) 4 slot in my MVS and any time I try pressing the select game button, the next game will...
  2. Retro Raider

    WTB Neo Geo MVS 4-slot Big Red marquee (plexi)

    Hi all. Hope everyone had a good 4th. I'm hoping someone can direct me to either a nice condition original 4-slot Big Red marquee (not the mini ones, the large one-piece marquee that is made of plexi-type material), or recommend one from a reproduction site/company who does good work at a fair...