vewlix arcade

  1. otterboxer

    WTB Vewlix cab uk

    Hi, any model considered as long as it’s in decent working condition. Import fees hurt to much so UK preferred. Ta w
  2. R

    Vewlix Steam Deck Stand

    Found a really nice Steam Deck stand and decided to modify it to fit into the open space in front of the control panel on a Vewlix. Really happy with it so far! For anyone interested in printing one themselves, you can download it here...
  3. Jughead

    Greetings from Wisconsin

    Greetings gamers, hobbyist, crafters and purveyors of exquisite taste. I am 41 y/o father of two that finally managed to score a modestly priced original vewlix cabinet. I’ve spent the better part of two years building and modifying wood based wallcades that are hyperfunctional, budget friendly...
  4. DangerousDad

    WTB Vewlix F/FC Bottom Wooden Mounting Board

    Kind of a weird request but the Vewlix I got had lot of water damage and I think I have to chuck it since a lot of the wood is pretty soft and swollen. I dunno if anyone consolized their Vewlix and took this out, but I would be interested in buying potentially. I am also just considering...
  5. DangerousDad

    Restoring a Damaged Vewlix L

    Hey everyone. So not too long ago, I became the proud owner of two Vewlix’s, an L and an FC, that I got for a very fair price on an AS-IS basis with the expectation that no refurbishing, cleaning or repair had been done beforehand. I started firsthand with the L and will probably start the FC in...
  6. DangerousDad

    New Vewlix Owner saying Hello

    Hi everyone. Been lurking on the threads for quite a while and finally made an account (an incentive was accessing that Vewlix Owner Appreciation Thread that requires you to make an account lol). I got an FC and an L recently for a good price with the expectation that I do all the restoration...
  7. Scarletspeedstr

    SOLD Vewlix Diamond Orange w/ TTX3 (PA)

    Taito Vewlix Diamond Orange arcade machine. The cabinet itself is very clean, no smoke smell. Upgraded 1440p monitor with Hadouken brackets. Original Taito 1080p monitor and bracket is also included in the sale should the owner wish to revert to stock. The cabinet is running a Taito Type X3...
  8. E

    Vewlix Vs cab with TTX4 SFV

    Hey everyone, I’m pretty new to the Vewlix/Taito cabs. I recently purchased a Vewlix VS cab with a TTX4 SFV. The VS cab came with the VS PCB and one USB IO. Will the USB IO and TTX4 work with the VS pcb board? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  9. T

    Vewlix monitor offset with pc

    Hi guys when i plug in the pc in the vewlix diamond black the screen is offset to the right about an inch. using a nvidia 3060ti cant find any options in the nvidia control panel to adjust it. also tried different resolutions updating drivers ect.. is there any hidden buttons on the monitor that...
  10. E

    Vewlix Versus Cabinet with MvsC2?

    Is it possible to play Naomi version of Marvel vs Capcom 2 on a Vewlix Vs cabinet with both screens mirroring? I’m contemplating purchasing a Vewlix vs cab and thought it would be cool to do this. Has anyone ever tried this?
  11. Scillianaire

    Game Pad Joint PCB Orange Diamond Vewlix

    Does anyone know exactly what this board does especially the circled socket?
  12. Scillianaire

    Brook UFB in an Orange Diamond Vewlix

    Has anyone tried to put a UFB into an orange / black diamond vewlix cabinet? One that is natively USBIO. I would love to switch between the type X3 multi and home console play but haven’t been able to run a brooks in there so far as I’ve tried. Worked fine in my blue diamond. Any thoughts?
  13. dart620

    WTB Vewlix L or Clone

    Looking to purchase a Real Vewlix L or a clone located with in Australia. Melbourne or Sydney preferred.