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Apr 4, 2022
Reaction score
Moncks Corner
Afternoon everyone!

I have a CPS3 with an Acrylic case. Tested and working 100% with no issues. It has a SCSI Drive with SD card. The PCB is also very clean and it has been recapped. The cart is batteryless. I can include the CD Drive and cables as well.

Asking $1400 + Free shipping within the US


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Where did you find a 128Mb SIMM? I'm looking for one myself to complete my setup
Folks sorry but this is insane.

Cps3 boards are plentiful in Japan.

Are people reselling for profit? The forum mods should charge resellers here.

I paid €316 a few weeks ago + 40 delivery and taxes + 80 for bluescsi + 60 for 128mb ram + 100 for darksoft cart. Total with delivery 580€

I'm pretty sure @Revrun91 is just an operator clearing out his older stuff because they aren't really getting any playtime from his customers. Last I heard, he is trying to switch things up by getting newer/rhythm machines in. Hence why he's been selling off a ton of stuff these past months if you paid any attention.

Kinda rude to barge into someone's sales thread and basically say the equivalent of "I can get this for much far less. See?". Price policing is against forum rules too so it's really ironic you come out of the woodwork to post all of this.
Rude to the seller perhaps but nice for buyers to know the true value and recognise unintentional shilling. There is a gap in the Internet for a discogs.com for games and arcade pcb's to see the going rate.
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Rude to the seller perhaps but nice for buyers to know the true value and recognise unintentional shilling. There is a gap in the Internet for a discogs.com for games and arcade pcb's to see the going rate.
There is no “going rate”; are you aware of the dozens of countries posters represent here? The market is simply what people are willing to pay at any one time.

Btw, your $622 USD Darksoft setup (which I’m sure omits the proxy fee you paid) uses repro/converted simms & a SCSI emulator device…I will also hedge you don’t even have a case for your cart. I wouldn’t come across as buying the “real deal” there chief.
When you buy off YAJ it's a gamble. Sometimes you get working stuff at a reasonable price, and sometimes you get pristine, beautiful junk that doesn't work! One good experience doesn't mean it will always be a good experience. Plus, who wants to put things together? Here's a hint, not EVERYBODY! Pay to play, ever hear of it??
Thanks for the reply - I've checked with sheep_nova already and he's of CPS3 SIMMs for now :\
There is no “going rate”; are you aware of the dozens of countries posters represent here? The market is simply what people are willing to pay at any one time.

Btw, your $622 USD Darksoft setup (which I’m sure omits the proxy fee you paid) uses repro/converted simms & a SCSI emulator device…I will also hedge you don’t even have a case for your cart. I wouldn’t come across as buying the “real deal” there chief.
Also, sometimes people aren’t into piecing together stuff and are willing to pay more for the convenience of a plug and play solution/not having to wait for shipping overseas.

EDIT: I realize now that @Kidkaos said pretty much the same thing a couple posts up. So yeah 😀
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surely nobody is buying 20 year old electronics without the knowledge on how to format an sd card and copy a file over. nevermind how to use an oscilloscope or soldering iron. It's like a classic card enthusiast having no clue how to work on an engine.

If you are reading this and that's you, just stick with mister update_all. (Or groovymame for cps3).

maybe put your cps3 board in a wata games graded perspex box and ask for $100,000?
This is a pretty epic thread crap.

Nothing else I can really add here that hasn't already been said, besides pointing out that expecting the average person to have a scope is a bit much, and price policing is against the site's rules. It's totally fine if you think this is overpriced (comps are around 900-1200 USD on average, higher when they have things like cases as this one does), but you should consider respecting the site rules (and OPs thread) and refrain from unsolicited thread crapping.

Rude to the seller perhaps but nice for buyers to know the true value and recognise unintentional shilling. There is a gap in the Internet for a discogs.com for games and arcade pcb's to see the going rate.

Literally no one "shilled" in this thread, you are making things up in your head. OP posted it for a price, it sold.

Pricecharting.com tracks sold prices for console/handheld from eBay and Amazon sales; it's true that there isn't a comparable db for Arcade games, but that can mostly be chalked up to the fact that a lot of it happens via private party sale on enthusiast websites, as well as overseas marketplaces (like YAJ), so it's a little harder to track. That said, would be interesting to see PC extend coverage to Arcade boards.
You have 700/800 only for parts, your exemple it's just a lucky shoot. At this price buyer looking for peacefulness, a model bullet proof tested with good SIMMS model (fujitsu) and already modded.