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Mar 1, 2018
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OK, this will be short, but only by chance. I picked up another Caveman Ninja pcb but it had no sound and played blind- no character sprites, etc.
Having had issues with a previous Caveman board, and ending up having some SRAM chips replaced, I decided to start there with a little trick I picked up to quickly see if a chip may be bad. Simply piggyback a good working chip right on top of the suspected bad one and see what comes up on screen.
This just happened to be the first chip I tried on the board and got some quick results!
Cool, we have some sprites, even though some are only half, it was a good start. I took another SRAM chip of the same, and tried it on other areas that had this chip installed, but nothing on screen changed when I piggy backed it. I decided that I atleast knew this one chip to be bad I would desolder it and put a socket in with a new SRAM chip.
After getting in the new chip, I figured I would plug the board in and just see what I would get and what I could possibly test next. To my surprise, the board presented me with perfect graphics, and as a bonus, sound to boot! Apparently that SRAM chip not only had something to do with the graphics, but the sound too. How and why is above my skill level, but would appreciate any feedback on your experience(s).
Thanks again, and I hope this helps any beginners out there.