Hey guys, I wanted to ask the group if anyone has issues with random games. I've acquired RAW files for G-Net, and I've had no problems loading all games except Night Raid. I've loaded IMG files, converted a CHD to IMG files, and used RAW files on known-good cards that otherwise load games normally. I have had Night Raid load once, reboot to the file check, and then it just sits on the disclaimer screen. Any other time, I get the game to load only to the disclaimer screen. I can hit the coin button on the disclaimer screen and hear "Fire!" but no other buttons work. In the service menu, everything works fine, but once I reset it from the menu, it returns to the disclaimer screen.
So, to recap, every other game loads fine, and I have Romsets in CHD, RAW, and IMG—all files produce the same result, and I use a different card every time. (These are known working cards that I reload with other games when Night Raid Fails.)
I am running the latest bio release.
I have a backup module installed on the board.
I've also tried different, known working CF adapters.
I appreciate any insight into the workings of the G-Net CF process and why the issue might be occurring. Is anyone else running Night Raid without issue? Is there a game that you can't run on the system?
So, to recap, every other game loads fine, and I have Romsets in CHD, RAW, and IMG—all files produce the same result, and I use a different card every time. (These are known working cards that I reload with other games when Night Raid Fails.)
I am running the latest bio release.
I have a backup module installed on the board.
I've also tried different, known working CF adapters.
I appreciate any insight into the workings of the G-Net CF process and why the issue might be occurring. Is anyone else running Night Raid without issue? Is there a game that you can't run on the system?