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How could I not actually ever post the way my sticks turned out?!

Alberto did frickin' brilliant work and I feel bad for not showing them off here: https://imgur.com/a/MiimwOm

I never did the Twin Stick setup but mostly because I broke down and bought a VCD-18-C.

OHH Where did you get the 100 Yen sticker in the center?

I too picked up a couple Tanita VCD-18-C's, fantastic Twinsticks!. Working with Alberto on the VO panel to mount on a Blast City CP. planning to use the same Tanita Sticks with a heavier spring.

OHH Where did you get the 100 Yen sticker in the center?

I too picked up a couple Tanita VCD-18-C's, fantastic Twinsticks!. Working with Alberto on the VO panel to mount on a Blast City CP. planning to use the same Tanita Sticks with a heavier spring.

1. I made an SVG, printed it out on my laser printer, put an adhesive lamination sheet on it, and cut the corners with a rounded corner cutter. It's mostly there to hide all the turbo switches from the original HSS-0136. In a better world I'd put a PS4 Touchpad on it and wire it up to the Brook controller, though I don't think the UFB supports touchpads. Or if I was SUPER adventrous, I'd daisy chain TWO touchpads (or just make a custom LED strip) into an Arduino board and map it to the same analog stick outputs the NWS-230 (Project Diva controller) uses.

2. TWO VCD-18-C's? Truly a man and/or woman of culture.
It was in looking for the SVG that I realized I've basically lost my entire old Windows profile folder, which included a TON of WIP arcade stick art. Just saddened the mess outta me, I shoulda made backups -_-.

HOWEVER, for the love of the game, and because I know Inkscape, I literally just pulled the 100Yen image out of a wiki here - https://wiki.arcadeotaku.com/w/Sega_Astro_City

And traced it as an SVG that's 1 inch tall and 8.5 inches wide, so you can cut it as needed - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wKEubk_9E7dlStsJVCzQ17JSz9xH3Kk4/view?usp=sharing

If that link fails you can save this raw text as an SVG file and that should also work. - https://pasteall.org/Zx2n/raw

Also that's a gorgeous family portrait.
It was in looking for the SVG that I realized I've basically lost my entire old Windows profile folder, which included a TON of WIP arcade stick art. Just saddened the mess outta me, I shoulda made backups -_-.

HOWEVER, for the love of the game, and because I know Inkscape, I literally just pulled the 100Yen image out of a wiki here - https://wiki.arcadeotaku.com/w/Sega_Astro_City

And traced it as an SVG that's 1 inch tall and 8.5 inches wide, so you can cut it as needed - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wKEubk_9E7dlStsJVCzQ17JSz9xH3Kk4/view?usp=sharing

If that link fails you can save this raw text as an SVG file and that should also work. - https://pasteall.org/Zx2n/raw

Also that's a gorgeous family portrait.

Awesome! Thank you, i'll give this a go and see how it turns out.
Awesome! Thank you, i'll give this a go and see how it turns out.
BTW, on somewhat of a side note: Is the VCD-18-C casing identical to the old Boardmaster Supergun? I swear it looks the same as the photos but in matte black and without the switch cutouts.
Hi Alberto, I am new here. I was wondering if I would be able to request 2 - 6 button control panels for a Sega Blast City?
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Hi, I don't know if this is going to be made, but I'm very interested in two of these panels for my HSS-0136.

I'd also be interested if one for the HSS-0130 is made too...
I'll update new panel feature in thread soon. I have been working on HSS-0136 replacement for a while and finally get it done.
also overlay will have better finish than before.
Hey, Alberto

Has there been an update on a HSS-0136 panel?
Do you have any interest in making custom panels for the Namco PS1 stick?

Reason I ask is it is still a very popular stick but the original paint does not hold up due to age and moisture.
I suggest getting measurements of the panel, pictures, submit a concept, and create an interest thread. It will fly for sure.
I got into this again since I got a pair of this, and will like to use the shell a bit more
Is it possible to make something similar to the VSHG layout? (6 button, 1 Start)
Do you have any interest in making custom panels for the Namco PS1 stick?

Reason I ask is it is still a very popular stick but the original paint does not hold up due to age and moisture.
let me get the namco stick first and see what I can do.
Hi @alberto1225 !

Can you please send me the tracking number of my order? Thanks 🙂

I really can't wait to finally mod my HSS-0136

Hello @alberto1225 ,

Can I buy the same panel you made for mukiex in this thread?

I just bought the HSS-0151 because of this thread.

Already got the Seimitsu LS-56 stick and the 30mm Buttons.

Hopefully you still free and be able to ship to Toronto, Canada.
