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Jan 1, 2022
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Seattle, WA
Hi all. I think my CPS-II still has a working battery, and the Darksoft multi is humming right along. If that battery goes below 2V, are all my games going to need to have their roms patched?

I didn’t see reference to this in the Darksoft documentation.
The battery is supposed to be removed with a Darksoft Multi installed. The battery maintains a decryption key in SRAM, but the Multi writes a fresh decryption key into the CPS2 at bootup and whenever changing to another game. As such, it's not necessary for the battery to be present.

I'd pull the battery ASAP to lower the risk of it inadvertently leaking or exploding.
The battery is supposed to be removed with a Darksoft Multi installed. The battery maintains a decryption key in SRAM, but the Multi writes a fresh decryption key into the CPS2 at bootup and whenever changing to another game. As such, it's not necessary for the battery to be present.

I'd pull the battery ASAP to lower the risk of it inadvertently leaking or exploding.
Phew. Looks like the modder correctly removed it. I’d better make sure I’ve done it right for CPS and CPS-III, as well!


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Lol I'm sure I have both of the battery on the CPS-III under that plastic cap, as well as the equivalent one on my CPS1. I also remember a little CR2032-looking flat battery on the C board, that had come with 3 wonders, for CPS-1. That one, too?

Edit: to be clear, it isn't for Three Wonders anymore; it's for the Darksoft CPS1 Multi.
Yeah, get those batteries off. Any chance you want to sell the parts of your 3 Wonders you're not using? I can also trade for a nice, clean ready to go C board if yours says "Three Wonders" on it.
Yeah, get those batteries off. Any chance you want to sell the parts of your 3 Wonders you're not using? I can also trade for a nice, clean ready to go C board if yours says "Three Wonders" on it.
Sadly I did do a number on that C board top foam and label 😆 but you are welcome to take the B board for free.

Thanks for confirming the battery should go!


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Awesome, looks to be in great shape, PM sent!

Also, here are the instructions, incase you don't have them yet.


Only*“C”*Boards*with*a*B-21*chip*that*also originally had battery*support*are*compatible.*
The*3*model*numbers for*these*are*boards*are: 90630C-4,*90631C-5*and*92641C-1. If*your
board*still*has*a*battery,*you*will*need*to*remove*it*so*that*the*multi can*program*keys on*
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