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Staff member
Jul 21, 2015
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I bought this burner about a year ago due to some of the limitations of my GQ4X. I've had nothing but trouble trying to get my PC (win7 x64) to recognize the drivers. Apparently you need to disable driver signing to install it, I got it to work once and burn 2 chips and then put it away and then months later when I needed it again it was back to not recognizing the drivers. I've wasted more time trying to get the software to work than actually using the thing, so I'm cutting my losses and getting rid of it. Maybe you'll have better luck than I did.

Included is the burner and a power adapter. I can provide the software I used if you really want. what's not included is any kind of support what-so-ever,

cost is $60 shipped anywhere in the USA and never talking to me about this burner again.

I'll also consider trades for whatever interesting arcade thing you might have have.
there's nothing too great in my sales thread at the moment, but if anything is of interest I could trade you.
I'd be good w/that. Shoot me a PM if you decide to go that route :) I already have the drivers setup so I can promise not to bother you per the terms of sale :P