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Dec 1, 2017
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Finished my batch of AWSD power supply interface PCBs. These boards screw directly to the Meanwell QP-150-3A and provide the same power pin-out as found on the stock power supply in the AWSD. This allows for a direct drop in replacement of the AWSD power supply using the Meanwell QP-150-3A and this interface board.
For the design and development work, please see this initial project thread.

I have 18 of these boards for sale; I built 20 and am keeping 2 for my current and future AWSD cabs. Showing my appreciation to this forum, I want to keep the price as low as I can. The raw BOM cost for each board is right at about $10, Molex connectors aren't cheap and the voltage LCDs I purchased from China were the wrong size, so ended up using ones off Amazon that were 2x the cost. Also, I did 2 OSHPark runs of boards @ $26/run getting the design more fine tuned, plus my original Mouser order of crimp connectors when I thought I was making wiring harnesses, puts me in about $15 per board. After assembling, cleaning, calibrating the voltage LCDs and mounting all the nylon hardware; each board has a fair amount of time put in. I value my time at about $15 per board. Added all up that comes out to $30 per board, which is the price I settled on for this run.

$30 per board + shipping (PP friends and family)

Some noted features:

1. JP1 on this PCB allows selection of 3.3v or -5 volts for pins 2,8 of the 12-pin molex connector. On my AWSD cab, these pins are not populated and remain unused. The stock power supply has 3.3 volts present on these pins so that is the 'default' setting of this jumper. You could potentially add -5 volts to your AWSD by populating the pins in the mating molex connector and also the pins in the JAMMA connector, then move the solder blob to the other pads. This carries some risk as if you were to put a stock Power supply back in the cab, you would be feeding 3.3 volts to JAMMA pins E,5. I recommend anyone doing this modification add a BIG BRIGHT label to their AWSD 12-pin molex connector reminding that IT IS NO LONGER COMPATIBLE WITH STOCK AWSD power supplies. However, even with this risk, it seemed like a pretty slick way to add -5v to the stock AWSD without any cutting or splicing.

2. The PCB has Electroless nickel immersion gold ENIG finish - so the exposed tabs that screw to the power supply are less likely to corrode since they are gold plated. The PCB has traces on the top and bottom, as wide as I could make them - there is plenty of copper to carry 15+ amps on the 3.3, 5 volt rails.

3. The field ground (FG) connects to both the 4mm J5 through-hole as well as pin-5 of the JST AC input connector.

4. On the rear of the PCB are JP2 and JP3. These solder pad jumpers allow the use of voltage LCDs with different wiring ordering. I had made the board assuming I was using voltages LCDs from Ali-Express that were wired one way, but ended up using Amazon voltage LCDs that were wired in reverse. Using JP2 and JP3 this board can support either voltage LCD wiring configuration.

5. The SW1 switch selects between 3.3 rail and the 5.0 rail to be displayed on the voltage LCD. I could have added the 12 volt rail and used a 3 position switch, however the Meanwell QP-150-3A only has adjustments for 3.3 and 5.0 - so those are the 2 rails that I decided to switch between.

6. I used the fully shrouded JST VH connector to provide extra plastic around the AC input connector as this is the one dangerous part on the power supply. Also SW1 was placed as far from the AC input connector as possible.

7. I ended up using double nylon nuts on each nylon screw. Based on my QP-150-3A this gave the perfect spacing and let the interface PCB sit flush on the screw terminals. If this ends up being too tall, you can simply take a nut off each screw and cut the nylon screw down a little bit. Its difficult to know the variation in tolerances in all the Meanwell QP-150-3A, so there is some adjustments that can be made to improve fit.



Based on the PMs and posts in the original thread, here is the list of interested parties and the quantity.

1. radiantsvgun (1) (PM Sent)
2. fuzzbuddy (1) (PM Sent)
3. carboncycle1313 (1) (PM Sent)
4. bagheera369 (2) (PM Sent)
5. DK310 (1) (PM Sent)
6. 300wins (4) (PM Sent)
7. PARTY MAN X (1) (PM Sent)
8. Paul79 (1) (PM Sent)

So that is 11 12 claimed and 7 6 up for grabs still. Sorry if I missed anyone, I was going through the development thread and only counted those who specified that they wanted an interface PCB.

As far as shipping goes, just ordered my padded envelopes and should have them May 6-7th, so they wont be shipping out till a few days after. Never have sold anything in 'bulk' before, but I believe I can get folks and accurate shipping cost based on the weight and the zip code its going. Setting up my USPS account tonight, and will weigh a board in a padded envelope I have lying around to get an idea.
Those that I have listed at interested, please shoot me a PM with your zip and confirm the quantity you want. I will get back to you with a total price including shipping.
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After a bit more research and discussion with other forum members, this interface board paired with the Meanwell QP-150-3A should be able to replace the Wei Ya power supply that is used in any arcade cab. I was focused on the AWSD, since that is what I own, but the Wei Ya power supply is also used in the Egret 3, and Vewlix cabs. Should have really called it a Meanwell to Wei Ya interface board as it is really intended to be a drop in replacement for the Wei Ya PS, regardless of the arcade cab it is used in. The only potentially limiting factor I can see would be the footprint of the Meanwell power supply not fitting in the same footprint of the Wei ya, but the Meanwell PS is smaller in every dimension compared to the Wei Ya so it should fit no problem.

All the people listed as interested parties have been contacted. Will start shipping these out mid next week.
would this work in a E3 i just saw this can these still be ordered?

I have a weiya in my e3 . I would like 2 if theres 2 still available.
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+1 for this interface adapter.

I replaced the sun in mine with one of these and I'm beyond impressed.
i wasnt going to replace my sun because it was working great but while i was moving the cab the sun shifted and the 12v came loose but i put it back in but i dont want to fuck around with my expensive boards so this is great. i am just waiting on my invoice atm.
First batch of AWSD PS interface boards is now sold out. I will do another run if enough people show interest. Shoot me a PM or reply to this thread. If I can get around 10 interested people I will do another small batch of these.
I have made a new batch of AWSD/E3 Meanwell PS adapter boards. Due to increase part cost and the amount of actual time I am spending doing cleanup and fitment, I have increased the price to $40 per board + shipping (PP F&F or 3.5%). I have about a dozen build so far and parts on the way for another 30 or so, so I should have them on hand for a few months at least.

Based on posts / PMs / etc - I have the following list of potentially interested folks:

@Hedonism Bot 2.0

Shoot me a PM with how many you are looking for and the shipping zip and I will get back to you with a total including shipping. Sorry if I missed anyone, I gave a quick look over the project thread and my PMs, so I may have missed some people.
Thank you to everyone who has shown interest in this project! Several AWSD PS interface boards have been shipped from this batch and there are still a few dozen available, don't delay.
I'm sorry but can anyone educate me on this product. I have an AWSD but have no clue what this board is for. Thanks
The AWSD and Egret 3 both use the same Wei-Ya power supply. Its a 3 output supply (3.3v, 5v, 12v). The cabs are wired for JAMMA but are also wired for JVS power, so you can power a Naomi directly off the Wei-Ya power supply in the cab. The power supply is designed to work with 100V AC input, but many people (including myself) run it directly off 120V without a step down. The power supply isn't all that great to begin with so when we start running it with higher than expected input mains (120V vs 100V) with power hungry JAMMA boards, or want to use the JVS connections to power a Naomi and a netboot setup, the Wei-Ya power supply just can't do it reliably. The Wei-Ya supply will power most JAMMA boards while running off 120V, its just the few edge cases and Naomi. In my own case it was the latter, I could not get good 3.3V regulation out of the Wei-Ya supply to run my Naomi netboot setup.

Looking to replace the Wei-Ya, there is one small difficulty to overcome - all the input / output power is via connectors, and most replacement power supplies will be screw terminal of some sort. There have been tons of wire harness adapters people have made over the years to put screw terminal power supplies into the AWSD / Egret 3. Most often they are aimed at just 5V / 12V power supplies and make the JVS power connectors in the cab useless. I found a pretty sweet quad output (3.3, 5, -5, 12) power supply made by a reputable manufacturer (Meanwell). I made an adapter board that screws right to the Meanwell QP-150-3A supply and gives the same input / output connectors that the cab has. So its a no cut, no mod solution to get a rock solid power supply in these cabs. The QP-150-3A has 10 amp current rating on both the 5V and 3.3V rails which has been plenty to run a Naomi netboot setup. On the other hand, running the 5V rail with no load or a load under the min 3A recommended, while maybe not ideal for the supply, does not produce a terrible squeal like other Meanwell supplies when under-loaded. The adapter board include a voltage display so you can keep on eye on the supply rails, and a little switch to watch either the 3.3V or 5V output. There are POTs in the power supply for these 2 rails, and while not handy at all to reach, you have the ability to dial in the 5V and 3.3V output and use the voltage display, no separate multi meter needed.

One neat little trick my interface does that others don't - is the possibility to wire the cab for -5V. The DC power connector in the cab has 2 pins unused. With a solder jumper change, my adapter board could supply -5V on these unused pins. You would still need to populate the missing part of the wire harness on the cab, but its popping pins into unused parts of connectors, so easy work. Then you potentially have a cab that is compatible with most power requirements you can throw at it.
I can vouch for @dewmansnk as well as this product. I use one inside my Vewlix diamond and it works great for running Naomi when I need to run it. Plus, you don't need a stepdown like the Wei-Ya power supply. Buy with confidence.
is this still available? will they work on a Meanwell QP-200-3a too?